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Process Flow


New member
Is there a good process flow available anywhere for proceedings - from making a C100 / C1a application to final order

I've come to realise that the process is too big as a whole to try and understand and work on in one go so I'm going to break it down and focus only on the next segment, cross that hurdle and then give full focus to the following segment

A process flow would be really good to visualise the various hurdles and forks in the road

Here is one -

However note that it will heavily depend on what is said in safeguarding report and how much conflict (if any) there is between parents. For instance, you may not need fact finding hearing. It can be straight forward or extremely messy and unnecessary complex, as oneofmany has pointed out!

Rule of thumb is to not accuse mother of anything and try to make it to the final hearing as quick as possible.
Awesome, thanks for all that

Rule of thumb is to not accuse mother of anything and try to make it to the final hearing as quick as possible.

I have a genuine case of domestic abuse (non-physical) perpetrated against me (and my son and daughter) and I am planning to list that on my forms, have been to counselling, had the GP letter and done the MIAM exemption

She'll also arrive with DA allegations, her's are nonsense to get legal aid and make life difficult/impossible, again non-physical

Both parents arrive with claims of DA, what generally happens?
Awesome, thanks for all that

Rule of thumb is to not accuse mother of anything and try to make it to the final hearing as quick as possible.

I have a genuine case of domestic abuse (non-physical) perpetrated against me (and my son and daughter) and I am planning to list that on my forms, have been to counselling, had the GP letter and done the MIAM exemption

She'll also arrive with DA allegations, her's are nonsense to get legal aid and make life difficult/impossible, again non-physical

Both parents arrive with claims of DA, what generally happens?
I believe that will require fact finding

A fact finding hearing is a type of hearing in which the judge would consider allegations and to decide important issues that are in dispute to determine whether an alleged incident took place or not. A fact finding hearing usually takes place after the initial dispute resolution appointment in family court and prior to a final hearing in the family court.

Both parties will need to be able to prove that the allegations are true.

In my personal case I refrained from mentioning it. Only because it’s unlikely anything will be done about it in regards to mother. In the grand scheme of things she would still be granted residency. I’m still in early stages and have faced allegations but in safeguarding report I have no police record or social services records, and some things she mentioned I have evidence against it if it is needed. My aim is to just get the allegations thrown out as quick as possible and avoid fact finding.

I would suggest considering if it is worth mentioning? of course if children are in harm or anything like that then go for it. However one advice I have seen a lot on here is to remember it’s not you vs her but rather showing the court you are a good dad and simply want to see your children. Staying completely child focused whilst she tries to war with you would probably be the better position.