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process after handing in a FP2 form


Well-known member
hi everyone

im new to here and ive left my back story on the my stories thread but I try to just give everyone the list of what's happening

my ex has taken out a occupancy order, and there is also a CAO in the early process of being listed,

my ex has lied in both of these about alleged abuse from myself but is tripping herself up with lies, half truths or bending the truth to try and make the courts feel sorry for her.

with the occupational order she has stated a version of events that I can disprove with the reports from CAFCASS from the CAO so had applied to use documents from there, as well as a witness statement from her best friend at the time

I got a reply from the courts for a hearing in 3 weeks time, and to be honest I'm bricking it, as I thought it would just be a simple order that I would be able to use the info going forward and didn't think we would have to back up to the courts until a date had been set for a final hearing.

so Im asking if this is normal or what to expect if anyone has been through anything that is similar

any help or advice would be so helpful

thank you
thank you ash

so glad I found this forum, feels like I got a bit more hope just reading some of the experiences that people have gone through

an FP2 form is for asking for evidence to be allowed from one case to another, so im hoping that its just a case that the judge wants to see if there is any objections from her side

but will get onto a solicitor today
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