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Preparation for court


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*Fake Name

Some of you may remember my last thread regarding false allegations made by a 15 yr old daughter.

I’ve truly had some major problems helping my friend regarding family court etc! It turns out he has been experiencing awful symptoms of Diabetes that’s been untreated for at least 8 weeks. Hearing what’s been going on between his ex, daughter & a missed court date

I was so grateful receiving advice on what actions to take next that it really got me thinking about what’s not been actioned.

My head is all over the place because so much has not been done by *John, it’s looking pretty bleak for him missing a family court date in January 2022 . John has literally done ziltch, that advice I gave him all went out the window.

John has totally given up. He avoids all conversations to do with his daughters & has no fight left in him.

You can imagine how the court is viewing John now!!!! He never showed up to family court! Christ….. I cringe thinking about it. Obviously his state of mind & health played a part in it all.

Now it’s over to you guys! From what you all advised me to do on my last thread is as follows

1. Inform the police regarding the concerns he has over his eldest daughter making a false allegation up. Your concerns also about your ex manipulating your daughter which is destroying your relationship with each other.
Even though the police are unable to retract this false allegation, John needs the above added to his file for fear there will be future false allegations.

This has not been actioned yet due to John lack of motivation. I feel exasperated with it all! I won’t give up though!

Court date is roughly in 10 days time.
I haven’t got a clue what forms he requires ! At the last missed court date apparently she was awarded full custody.
I have asked John to pop round my flat! Although she has full custody she is abusing her daughter by manipulating & grooming her!

I will update you early this evening as I’ve just been told he’s popping round!

I feel like I’ve the world on my shoulders

Adele xxx
It's all stressful isn't it?

If you could give a bit more info maybe. I would forget the Police situation for now and focus on the hearing in 10 days. Do you know what kind of hearing it is? Fact find? Directions? Final Hearing? Whichever it is he can submit a "position statement". Which basically updates the court on the situation and is his opportunity to have a voice before the hearing. We can help write it.

Could you ask him to come on here - we might be able to help. He may be suffering from depression, which is common and not surprising, but sometimes talking to other Dads helps.

What do you feel the priority is? Clearing his name? Or getting to see his daughters via the courts and have them overturn the allegations?