Hi there,
I am about to receive the s7 report from Cafcass and need to provide a statement off the back of this. I also need to update my original position statement that was first submitted at the FHDRA - looking back now, this is far too confrontational so needs toning down.
I am thinking it best to keep the two separate for the next hearing which is a Dispoute Resolution Appointment (I believe there will be a final hearing after that).
Does anyone have any templates? or links to templates with some generic wording that I can tweak.
Given all the false allegations most of which have gone her way during the fact finding despite no evidence, simply her own witness statement and a robust denial from me, I think the Cafcass report is going to go against me.
I am about to receive the s7 report from Cafcass and need to provide a statement off the back of this. I also need to update my original position statement that was first submitted at the FHDRA - looking back now, this is far too confrontational so needs toning down.
I am thinking it best to keep the two separate for the next hearing which is a Dispoute Resolution Appointment (I believe there will be a final hearing after that).
Does anyone have any templates? or links to templates with some generic wording that I can tweak.
Given all the false allegations most of which have gone her way during the fact finding despite no evidence, simply her own witness statement and a robust denial from me, I think the Cafcass report is going to go against me.