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Please share your parenting app experiences


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MagicJ suggested a thread with experiences on various parenting apps, which is a good idea. I am only aware of Our Family Wizard (which is sometimes court ordered and has "tone" filters) although haven't used it myself.

So if anyone is using a parenting app, please can you share below - which one, the pros and cons and whether it's any good or which bits are good and which bits are problematic (if any). And also say whether it was court ordered, or just agreed on.
MagicJ suggested a thread with experiences on various parenting apps, which is a good idea. I am only aware of Our Family Wizard (which is sometimes court ordered and has "tone" filters) although haven't used it myself.

So if anyone is using a parenting app, please can you share below - which one, the pros and cons and whether it's any good or which bits are good and which bits are problematic (if any). And also say whether it was court ordered, or just agreed on.

I used Our Family Wizard for about 8 months. I suggested in court and the judge spoke positively of the app, he said it would be recommended by Cafcass anyway. Ex agreed to use so it went in as a recital with me to pay for both parties, I think it was about £200.

Despite my ex not using the app, I found it really useful. I copied comms she sent through other channels into the app and replied in there. The schedule function for arrangements was handy and posting media to share what you are up to with the child was nice. Their customer support was good, much easier to speak to somebody than I expected (this may have changed). I struggled to get the tone monitor to check messages before I sent them, but that may have been me misunderstanding the app. It told me tone was good after I sent.

The export function was really useful. You could get a pdf with all messages numbered and in chronological order. One of their selling points was that professionals - solicitors, social worker...- can have their own account and acces what is going on. I didn't use this bit.

I recommend OFW based on my experience, but there are other options I have not tried.
I've had Family Wizard recommended to me by CAFCASS and my solicitor and believe the courts also recommend it in certain circumstances. Whilst it seems expensive for an app, it seems to be a one stop shop for everything to successfully achieve co-parenting. I can't talk from experience as of yet, but it's certainly going to be a consideration of mine.
I've had Family Wizard recommended to me by CAFCASS and my solicitor and believe the courts also recommend it in certain circumstances. Whilst it seems expensive for an app, it seems to be a one stop shop for everything to successfully achieve co-parenting. I can't talk from experience as of yet, but it's certainly going to be a consideration of mine.

The price would be halved if you both pay.
Look it up though, it may have changed.
I use Appclose and it's been a godsend. It is free and was recommended by Cafcass. We only use the messaging service on it but it does have other features like calendar, payments etc, all free. Messages cannot be deleted so it helps to keep communication civil.
I've suggested OurFamilyWizard to the STBX via Solicitors and ahead of any court, I wasn't aware it was system recommended - good to know!

I've proposed to pay for both of us but will probably end up like @Resolute and become the only one who uses it!
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Reactions: Ash is another free service if you use the desktop version.

It can be used in court and certainly regulates conversation. No more blocking or deleted whatsapp messages etc as once posted there's no taking back. is another free service if you use the desktop version.

It can be used in court and certainly regulates conversation. No more blocking or deleted whatsapp messages etc as once posted there's no taking back.

I have heard good reports of talking parents. They are doing a free webinar on how to handle high conflict co-parenting comms:

Hope it this is of interest to somebody ☺️.
I've been using App close and it does everything I've needed.

As others have suggested, it almost felt like a reset on terms of communication and, though the ex has suggested otherwise, my tone and content has been pitch perfect.

And it's free
There are several applications on offer that can be utilised for co-parenting communications.

As they are designed for two parents to interact, they differ in what can be accessed without both parents signing up to the system first.

The apps I have found which are used widely are below, the free ones have full features unlocked with paid tiers:

AppClose (Free)
OurFamilyWizard (Paid @90 each)
TalkingParents (Free)
2Houses (Paid @110 total)

They offer a variety of features which can include management of comms, parenting schedule calendars, payments, files.
We have used talking parents for about 6-7 months now and found it really good.
I have paid a small sum and I have been able to download in order every single conversation which was extremely useful for sorting my exhibits for final hearing. Very handy! You can also video call through it and it’s monitored/recorded. You can upload any images and it’s records when messages are sent and read.

Not tried any others though so can’t compare but I can’t complain at all about talking parents app
I've paid the fee for OFW but haven't yet invited the STBX and I've been assessing AppClose, haven't don't the 2H trial yet and can't do TP as it needs both parents.

I'm looking for a good parenting schedule function that accurately represents the reality & a solid messaging function.

I left the AppClose calendar which shows the handovers across days will and also summarises hours for each month but didn't show the days summary! Can't really tests the messaging on my own without a circle!

What's the Calendar & messaging like on TP?

@nothernsoul @Richie1989

@Resolute why did you stop using the OFW?
I really liked OFW, only left because ex would not use.

Don't know about calendar on TP. OFW calendar was good.
What's the Calendar & messaging like on TP?

@nothernsoul @Richie1989
Messaging is fine.

You cannot delete messages so it really focuses your mind on what you are sharing.

I have not used any of the additional functions but I imagine I would start doing it once the final order is in place.
We use talking parents and it works totally fine! We can upload all we need to using the free version. I actually paid for extras on there and emailed myself the whole history and gave it my solicitor for potential evidence. We send each other images of party invites, arrange pickup places if not at houses and importantly it can be used in court so I think it keeps my ex in check from playing games. It’s even got FaceTime option of you upgrade. Both parents need this though so don’t pay for it it the other hasn’t got it or waste of money