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Phycologist or Gaurdian ?

It depends who you read. There is also caselaw that says transfer of residence does not have to be a last resort. (Ie it can be done for various reasons).

The Mother is massively in contempt of court, hiding behind saying the children are refusing and being aided and abetted by a wishy washy Cafcass officer who is, perhaps unwittingly, enabling it to continue.

The positive is that all the while the Guardian is involved at least the kids know you haven’t given up.

The other positive is, if it drags on for another year or so the eldest can just jump ship. However you don’t really want it dragging on another year or so and jumping ship is incredibly hard for them as they know they are basically not going to see their Mum again (alienating parents usually cut them off dead if they go to Dad).

What does your barrister say abd could the psychologist be at the next hearing also? I think you might be able to subpoena them but I’m not sure about that.
Ash do you know what .. you are spot on again. Yes they know im fighting as hard as I can . They must never think I gave up. Whilst this ‘therapy ‘ isn’t working to reunite as it’s being undone at home also I’m pleased that it’s is in place. They have someone to talk too …

I believe this is a platform for them to understand there feelings and whilst it has to remain confidential I hope he / she works it out ( gender hidden as don’t want to be caught out ) and eventually feels must report it to the guardian

I think of your statement is evidence based ( and I’m sure it is ) alientor turns on the kids. What a disgrace … that’s not ideal for the kids either … but some up the mental issues they carry.

Meeting with barrister in a few weeks. A few weeks before the hearing so will be clearer then which way to proceed … indeed he / she may request an addendum report from the phycologist in light of the fact therapy not been successful ..

Like most of us the personal pain is outweighed by the worry and pain / confusion / harm the children are facing. I pray .. I fight ( for want of a better word ) I work hard to pay the bills associated and I will not give up until I get a no contact order … I just will not walk away
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The worry is immense and awful I know. An addendum report sounds like an option but might it not be possible for the Barrister to just argue for transfer of residency now? It sounds like the Mother is relying on delays and the childrens ages. The more delay, the more likely someone will say - can't make any orders now they are 14/15 or whatever.
The worry is immense and awful I know. An addendum report sounds like an option but might it not be possible for the Barrister to just argue for transfer of residency now? It sounds like the Mother is relying on delays and the childrens ages. The more delay, the more likely someone will say - can't make any orders now they are 14/15 or whatever.
I’m sensing that is the way will go next hearing ! My barrister is very ‘get all the ducks in order ‘ and all the evidence in place and then he / she will hit the nuclear button. … he/ she doesn’t really disclose the next move as they do not want an emotional argument with myself until close to the hearings .. all the evidence is now banked. Bar this gaurdian and it has turned massively on mum … it’s strange as if the apooocarikn goes in and I have little doubt it will it will be intersting to see the dynamics change. I’ve spent so long ‘defending ‘ and now for once it will be mums job to do it ! Sadly this may be the break point for her but too little too late .. I could never trust her to comply and do what’s best for the kids. It will be ‘fear ‘ based and she will revert.

I’ve tried so hard to hope for a peaceful resolution but now know this is not possible and with regret. Yes for the children I do regret certainly I will be pushing for the application to go in next hearing.

What happens after that. I presume it’s a final hearing ! Or I hope it is … few days ? Or can it be quicker if we get witnesses in etc. phycologists. Therapists. Etc