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Passport replacement costs


Experienced member
Hello Dads!

My Ex, who I am already paying CMS to, is now asking for additional costs - most recently for our 5yr old's passport replacement, photos, etc.

I've "played ball" so far and been paying for bits here and there (on top of the monthly CMS) but she's started breaching our CAO, so am obviously feeling less inclined to do so..

Just curious though - is a child's passport renewal covered by CMS? As isn't the CMS payment supposed to incorporate every single cost?

And if it isn't - would you be wiling to pay half towards it?..
I'd say its covered by CMS. More over, I assume the passport is so the ex can take your child on holiday so even more on them?? On the other hand if it was you wanting to take the child on holiday and it needed replacing then I'd say cover it yourself for the path of least resistance tbh
I agree with One of Many and Nothernsoul. Pay half and then she can never say the passport is hers because she paid for it! (Had that issue once!). Hopefully it means you'll have less issues when you want the passport!
But make sure you send a message saying agreeing to pay for half of it! Just in case you ever need to prove it. It's also good evidence for the future to show how reasonable and non conflict you are IMO