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Partner has accused me of controlling behaviour and assault


New member

I’m a bit concerned here, me and my ex partner have been trying for months to come to some arrangement over our child and everytime we talk it descends into chaos, she wants to control everything. She left our house to move back home closer to family around the end of May, I didn’t stop her and I didn’t stop her taking our child as when she left it was amicable and we had agreed I’d have as much access to my daughter as possible.

Early August I’d informed her that it’s gone too far we can’t amicably come to some resolution so as a courtesy I let her know I’d be instructing a lawyer to handle communication moving forward as we were just not having any productive conversations and there was no resolution in sight, I had to do this for my own mental health, the constant back and forth was affecting every other area of my life, especially work.

Shortly after this, over text message, she had accused me of assaulting her, I denied this over text and she strangely admitted to assaulting me (she did actually assault me on numerous occasions) and an inference that I’d abused our child. Given the allegations, I contacted a lawyer immediately who advised me to ignore the allegations until she formalises those with either social services or the police.

Fast forward to two days ago, I get a call from the local police stating that I’m being asked to come in for a voluntary interview over allegations of controlling behaviour and assault which happened months ago (I’m assuming this alleged incident happened when we were living together), none of this has ever happened, none of this has ever happened when I’ve visited her either.

These allegations have only ever surfaced since I’ve mentioned and acted on having a lawyer handle communication between me and her. In between her leaving our house and it getting to this, I’ve visited my daughter, I’ve stayed over at her new house to spend time with our daughter, we’ve been out to do activities as a “family”, we’ve been to restaurants etc. she’s even allowed me to take our daughter to the park without her supervision. I know these allegations are fake, I know I’ve never done anything to her or my daughter that she is accusing me of.

She had mentioned that she was struggling to find the money to instruct her own lawyer, so I’m sure she’s doing this purely to get legal aid and prevent me from seeing my daughter as I’ve taken control away from her by getting lawyers to negotiate on my behalf.

Given I have evidence via text that she’s admitted very plainly to assaulting me on two occasions, allowed me into her home, allowed me to have unsupervised contact with my child, will any of this go against her with the police? She is also still allowing me to have video calls with my child despite the allegations.

I’m really worried, my mental health is at rock bottom and feel so isolated.

Any advice would be much appreciated, thank you in advance.
Hey @Thewallguy many of us have been in a similar situation and its all too common for the allegations to fly when court is on the cards. Her actions will very likley so she gets legal aid. Read, read and read the forum, ask questions, then more questions. This forum is awesome in a word.

I know the feeling of isolation, its sooo hard but here is a community of people that are here to help and support each other. Also consider your support network closer to home. Its ok to admit how your feeling to loved ones (not the ex tho) and ask for help. Even if its just sitting with them when you get over powered by the feelings, let people help, its how I'm kinda coping. Some days will be better than others, just keep your head above water and fight. Happy for you to PM me if you like, just dont feel alone

As in the fight brother
Hey @Thewallguy many of us have been in a similar situation and its all too common for the allegations to fly when court is on the cards. Her actions will very likley so she gets legal aid. Read, read and read the forum, ask questions, then more questions. This forum is awesome in a word.

I know the feeling of isolation, its sooo hard but here is a community of people that are here to help and support each other. Also consider your support network closer to home. Its ok to admit how your feeling to loved ones (not the ex tho) and ask for help. Even if its just sitting with them when you get over powered by the feelings, let people help, its how I'm kinda coping. Some days will be better than others, just keep your head above water and fight. Happy for you to PM me if you like, just dont feel alone

As in the fight brother
Thanks for the kind words, my family are rallying around me and being a big help, it’s just really hard to shake the anxiety and overthinking.

I just can’t believe that this has happened to me, my entire livelihood is on the line all because I wanted a relationship with my daughter, my spirit is broken and I feel trapped.
Thanks for the kind words, my family are rallying around me and being a big help, it’s just really hard to shake the anxiety and overthinking.

I just can’t believe that this has happened to me, my entire livelihood is on the line all because I wanted a relationship with my daughter, my spirit is broken and I feel trapped.
Right with you here fella, just stay in the fight for those beautiful moments with your daughter those will be the best you both ever had as you'll have a new perspective on being the best you can be and enjoying time together

Stay strong 💪💪💪
Fast forward to two days ago, I get a call from the local police stating that I’m being asked to come in for a voluntary interview over allegations of controlling behaviour and assault which happened months ago (I’m assuming this alleged incident happened when we were living together), none of this has ever happened, none of this has ever happened when I’ve visited her either.

Make sure you take a solicitor with you for any police interview, even if it's one of the free ones that you are entitled to.
Fast forward to two days ago, I get a call from the local police stating that I’m being asked to come in for a voluntary interview over allegations of controlling behaviour and assault which happened months ago (I’m assuming this alleged incident happened when we were living together), none of this has ever happened, none of this has ever happened when I’ve visited her either.

Make sure you take a solicitor with you for any police interview, even if it's one of the free ones that you are entitled to.
I have arranged a criminal lawyer to be there in advance. I didn’t even want to risk a duty lawyer.

I don’t believe this is going to be a problem, there will be no evidence against me because nothing has happened. I’m just scared to be in this position knowing I’m completely innocent.
I have arranged a criminal lawyer to be there in advance. I didn’t even want to risk a duty lawyer.

I don’t believe this is going to be a problem, there will be no evidence against me because nothing has happened. I’m just scared to be in this position knowing I’m completely in

I have arranged a criminal lawyer to be there in advance. I didn’t even want to risk a duty lawyer.

I don’t believe this is going to be a problem, there will be no evidence against me because nothing has happened. I’m just scared to be in this position knowing I’m completely innocent.
Just have to play the game fella. The worst part is the waiting for it. Once in there you'll be ok. Your solicitor will have been there countless times before for the same thing so just take their advice and keep your head. You'll be home before you know it.

I think you'll get advised to just go " no comment" to everything they put to you. You can see it annoys them too as I think they expect you to just admit anything they say or get frustrated and blurt stuff out. Just be polite, dress smart and hold your head high.
Don't mean the butt in but is there anyway to find out if ex has legal aid?