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PAMs (Parental Assessment Manual), Cafcass section 7


New member
Hello, court have ordered a S7, prior to a DRA, and googling it I guess they will use a tool called a PAMS. Has anyone any experience of the type of questions they ask, and advise on how I should answer.
thanks in advance
Not necessarily. Unless you have received information that specifies it. From what I understand, social workers regularly use a wide variety of tools and assessment methods to understand the needs of the children they represent, including the Parent Assessment Manual (PAMS). The purpose of PAMS is to assess the needs of vulnerable families, including parents with learning disabilities. Based on the information gathered during a PAMS assessment and the professional conclusions reached, social workers can then put in place the necessary interventions to help vulnerable parents and children.

While PAMS is extremely useful and effective, it must be used by social work professionals with relevant skills and experience; often referred to as ‘advanced practitioners’.

Social workers typically perform a PAMS assessment if a local authority has reason to believe a child is at risk of significant harm, whether physically, emotionally, or due to neglect. Moreover, PAMS is used where a parent or carer of a child has certain learning needs, and there is a need to assess and determine the extent to which the parent or carer is able to meet the needs of the child or children.

PAMS is understood and recognised by the family Courts, meaning that the evidence it produces can be used when making decisions in court cases.

In comparison to many other social work assessments that are entirely standardised and subjective, PAMS is quantitative and evidence-based, allowing social workers to take a broader picture of a parent’s ability to care for their child.

The PAMS assessment looks at a number of dimensions of parenting, including:
  • childcare and development
  • behaviour management
  • independent living skills
  • safety and hygiene
  • parent’s health
  • relationships and support
  • and the impact of the environment and community on parenting.
I haven't heard of it myself. Did they say they would use it? A section 7 is usually a face to face interview with both parents, a few further background checks and speaking to the children - usually at school - if they're old enough.
I googled the Cafcass person appointed, and saw it on their qualifications. I’m just fishing for knowledge, so that I’m not tripped up.
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