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Out of the blue


New member
Hi everyone,
Last July I was packing a picnic with my 7 year old son in the garage, about to take the family's small boat out to the beach with my wife who was due back shortly minute there's armed policemen telling me to stand still! I was arrested and handcuffed and loaded into the police van in front of my extremely distressed son.
I was accused of gbh and threatening with a firearm plus a long list of coercive behaviour! I was held for 32hrs. On release (with bail conditions of no contact allowed with her) I returned home and discovered no-one there, my desktop and all my papers missing, including my son's passport. No idea where they where, police refused to say anything. I got my bail conditions changed after several days and only discovered they where with social services when I went to report a missing child & saw their bikes in the council foyer!!
I haven't seen my son or spoken to him since then..wasn't allowed to send xmas card or presents..nothing, also for his 8th birthday. They said they could contain secret messages! And I can't have any contact because he will reveal her location!
The firearms mentioned are legal airguns and I've never pointed one at anybody and I did not assault her, the 'injuries' she has shown everyone are the result of a small surgical procedure carried out at the hospital. Nothing to do with me!
I've applied to court for a child arrangements order to try and get contact but it's labourisly slow. She now has her legal aid and visa (I was her sponsor)
The evidence to support her allegations have been demanded by 2 court orders but she has submitted nothing! (Not surprisingly) and nothing has happened, nobody seems to consider my son's obvious distress? Or the fact I might be totally innocent!!
also worth mentioning..I have a very close relationship with my son and we do lots of exciting activities together (Did) I know he's very upset not being allowed to see me.
The assessments by social services are incredibly biased and just repeat or add further allegations! (Unbelievable)
The evidence about the injuries could be easily sorted with a NHS report, the other allegations can easily be proven to be false and I discovered she neglected to divorce her previous husband! (Bigamy)..
My bail has just been extended to MAY! What are they investigating?
What the hell do I have to do to get some justice without selling everything to pay for a barrister??

Any Help or advise gratefully received!