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NMO expiring and case being transferred


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Hello need help please

I have an NMO against Ex who lives in another town, I also have a CAO application against ex for my kid who lives in another town, ex has a NMO against me (to block me off from child), all three cases to be combined in the family court in london, FHDRA hearings in April and 3 day fact find in May.

My NMO (filed at my local court) is expiring in 2 weeks time and my local court has said they cannot extend it, they advise that I should apply for another NMO to extend it.

Do I juist tweak the old supporting statement and mention that I need further protection from courts and refill the NMO form and resubmit?

have been granted new NMO from the london court. Now just a matter of serving. Have emailed sols, but the ignorant lot dont event acknowledge receipt.

have also filled out the D89 for court bailiff to serve papers. i didnt know it was free of charge.
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Glad you've got that sorted. It's nearly April - you've had this going on a long time. Hang in there. Sorry I missed your earlier post.
have been granted new NMO from the london court. Now just a matter of serving. Have emailed sols, but the ignorant lot dont event acknowledge receipt.

have also filled out the D89 for court bailiff to serve papers. i didnt know it was free of charge.
not counting years anymore... seems like forever. whole system is f*cked, might as well be in year 5 (First Application Nov 2018) of this saga before even the start of any meaningful relationship with kid develops!
Yes your ex certainly seems to be the master of creating delays. But positive is you have a hearing in April :).

Suggest you contact the court to find out about serving papers. They can use a bailiff but it costs. I know for a C100 you can either a) ask the court to serve it (they do it by post), b) serve it yourself by post (special delivery, signed for with a receipt), c) use a bailiff - costs about £170 maybe.

But it might be different with NMO's - give the court a call and ask them.
FYI: 2 hearings in April: pretrial hearing along with another (the first hearing for my NMO against her) and the 3 day fact find is in May, blimey 3 day FF. waste of court time.
It certainly is a lot of fact finding. Your ex is an expert at timewasting it seems. However - when that is done - it could well be behind you - and move onto a final hearing. And if it's found for you (which hopefully it will be) then she can't make those allegations again.
if the document is being sent via court bailiffs, do i still need to send it via process server? how will i know if the document is served or not, the ex's sol are being ignorant
Not sure Birmingham. I thought when using a bailiff it was literally all face to face and no electronics. I assume their word is taken that it's served because that's their job. My understanding though was that if you tried to serve by hand and the other person refused to take it then it couldn't be served. Happened with my first court application which was urgent and I had to serve it myself. As expected my ex saw the envelope and refused to take it - so I just kind of dropped it inside the front door and left (I had read that is accepted as having been served!). Of course she read it after that!
Which NMO? Yours against her or hers against you? Sorry I haven't read back :-)