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New to this, hair strand test


New member
Hi guys,

I’m new to this and find myself here.

For a bit of background, I have a 10 year old with my ex who inexplicably stopped contact back in June (I surmise this is because she has remarried, has had 2 more children and my presence is inconvenient to the life she is trying to build). She blocked me on all communication channels and then I received a solicitors letter from her saying she would not be making my 10yo available for visiting (no safeguarding issues given, only thing listed was ‘they don’t want to’). My solicitor is astounded at this.

I have attended mediation, and she refused (was rude and abusive to mediator on the phone and I think she is now banned from their practice because of this)

I have filled out a C100 form but have not yet submitted this yet.

Essentially. I have had problems with drugs previously, went to rehab at my own cost (£10,000) in 2023 and was clean for well over a year.

The proceedings made for a temporary blip in late June/first week of July of this year when I used drugs for 2 days and I have been clean since.

I am aware she will probably raise my previous drug use when the matter comes to court and have read many posts on hair strand testing,

My question is, what is the timeframe from when I put the C100 in to when it would be likely for me to be drug tested? Last use was 5 weeks ago now and my hair is fairly short.

Would this ‘event’ have grown out by the time a likely test comes around, or am I better admitting it and putting myself under the spotlight?

In the past drugs never affected my parenting and I was a ‘midweek warrior’ on account of having my child at the weekend.

Thank you in advance for any advice
Usually the test would be for 3 or 6 months. 1cm of hair is taken to represent a month. It takes about 10 days for usage to get into the hair.

You may have quick or slow growing hair. All the figures are just indicators. But, going by averages, you will be ok to do a 3 month hair test in about 2 months and 1 week. If you cut your hair back to 8mm now

C100 could be issued in 2 weeks or in 6 weeks. It might list an attended hearing for 1-several months after that. It may list a gatekeeping hearing which is unattended first. The gatekeeping will likely order reports and outline what needs to be decided at the FHDRA. This route could take 6 months before a drug test is ordered. Again, this is broadly indicative. Could be quicker, could be immensely longer.

Ooooops, I forgot, you also get about three weeks to file the test result after the order. It can take 2-6 weeks to receive the order. Also, once the test is ordered. Giving a clean test a couple of weeks late, isn't the end of the world. There are an awful lot of variables you cannot control. Only one is fully in your control, keeping the new hair clean!
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Usually the test would be for 3 or 6 months. 1cm of hair is taken to represent a month. It takes about 10 days for usage to get into the hair.

You may have quick or slow growing hair. All the figures are just indicators. But, going by averages, you will be ok to do a 3 month hair test in about 2 months and 1 week. If you cut your hair back to 8mm now

C100 could be issued in 2 weeks or in 6 weeks. It might list an attended hearing for 1-several months after that. It may list a gatekeeping hearing which is unattended first. The gatekeeping will likely order reports and outline what needs to be decided at the FHDRA. This route could take 6 months before a drug test is ordered. Again, this is broadly indicative. Could be quicker, could be immensely longer.

Ooooops, I forgot, you also get about three weeks to file the test result after the order. It can take 2-6 weeks to receive the order. Also, once the test is ordered. Giving a clean test a couple of weeks late, isn't the end of the world. There are an awful lot of variables you cannot control. Only one is fully in your control, keeping the new hair clean!
Amazing, thank you very much for your reply.

Seems like the interim period between putting a C100 in and actually being asked to be tested (if at all!) is quite considerable in that case. Thank you.
Yep, agree with the above. Stay clean Qwerty, squeaky clean! We're all here to support if you need it but it's in your hands as to what the outcome could be, the courts won't be overly concerned about your past, more about the present so demonstrating you're clear is imperative.
Amazing, thank you very much for your reply.

Seems like the interim period between putting a C100 in and actually being asked to be tested (if at all!) is quite considerable in that case. Thank you.

It can be

It can be very quick though

Once false allegations come into play things can happen very quickly

For me, C100 to first hearing was 1 working day

Second hearing was scheduled for 9 days later

You have to be ready for whatever
To give an idea of time frame in my case.
C100 in mid July
C1a allegations (many) in return, including alcohol dependency recieved early Aug.
Gate keeping this week with first hearing mid Nov.
Solicitor on her side approached court for alcohol test before s7 (upcoming) but this was denied by court.

I gave myself a number 4 all over July. I have gone zero on alcohol since with a self funded peth test next week. Hair will be long enough for 3 month hair test including another peth for first hearing Nov.

That will absolutely put to bed that allegation with 4 month abstenance.

You just need to keep a step in front...go dry and there won't be an issue.
I am not sure how the tests work for drugs other than alcohol. With alcohol there are three results - consistent with abstinence, social drinking, chronic excessive drinking. Chronic excessive is the real concern. For cocaine, as an example, I do not know if/how they define the 'acceptable' level of usage.
I am not sure how the tests work for drugs other than alcohol. With alcohol there are three results - consistent with abstinence, social drinking, chronic excessive drinking. Chronic excessive is the real concern. For cocaine, as an example, I do not know if/how they define the 'acceptable' level of usage.
I was led to believe by my solicitor that a couple of ‘events’ in the timeline of a hair test wouldn’t be an issue as long as it was explainable (music festival no kids present, couple of boots in the pub at the Euros no kids present etc) but I’d rather pre-empt it and be one step ahead as I know it was a one off and I’ve no issue staying clean going forward (it’s been over a month now already after all)

My dilemma was whether there was any point in confessing to something that I knew may not even be present by the time tests were ordered if the interim period was as such, and just inviting the scrutiny and questions for no reason.

I’ve had a couple of cuts in the last few weeks with steadily a bit more off each time, as a sudden change could look suspicious, ditto arriving with nothing to test on the day.

Thank you all for your help so far 👍🏻
I was led to believe by my solicitor that a couple of ‘events’ in the timeline of a hair test wouldn’t be an issue as long as it was explainable (music festival no kids present, couple of boots in the pub at the Euros no kids present etc) but I’d rather pre-empt it and be one step ahead as I know it was a one off and I’ve no issue staying clean going forward (it’s been over a month now already after all)

My dilemma was whether there was any point in confessing to something that I knew may not even be present by the time tests were ordered if the interim period was as such, and just inviting the scrutiny and questions for no reason.

I’ve had a couple of cuts in the last few weeks with steadily a bit more off each time, as a sudden change could look suspicious, ditto arriving with nothing to test on the day.

Thank you all for your help so far 👍🏻
Keep your attack surface small. I.e. don't offer anything until ordered.
I'd have no faith in a solicitor that believes you can sweep drug use 'undet the carpet' in these proceedings. If you have a test that comes back showing drug use you'd never hear the back of it.

Go dry, you've too much at stake for anything else.

Admit to nothing. You'll earn zero respect or brownie points from anyone important. Go dry and you'll earn respect from the most important person in your life at the moment, that's you.

These types of women will make up things and lie about you. Why give them a freebie on a plate?

Stay off any drugs, alcohol or otherwise, when you can get a clean test I would and all of a sudden it's put to bed.

My matter went on for 2 years, I enjoyed a drink but stopped overnight, waited 4 months and got a test in. Abstinence. Alcohol wasn't even mentioned again.

Knock it on the head in your favour.
I'd have no faith in a solicitor that believes you can sweep drug use 'undet the carpet' in these proceedings. If you have a test that comes back showing drug use you'd never hear the back of it.

Go dry, you've too much at stake for anything else.

Admit to nothing. You'll earn zero respect or brownie points from anyone important. Go dry and you'll earn respect from the most important person in your life at the moment, that's you.

These types of women will make up things and lie about you. Why give them a freebie on a plate?

Stay off any drugs, alcohol or otherwise, when you can get a clean test I would and all of a sudden it's put to bed.

My matter went on for 2 years, I enjoyed a drink but stopped overnight, waited 4 months and got a test in. Abstinence. Alcohol wasn't even mentioned again.

Knock it on the head in your favour.
Absolutely right. Even with a 3-4 month abstenance result you can still expect protests that ...'he just quit for court'. Get a preemptive clear report as soon as you can in the process.