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New Partner/Questions


New member
Together 13 years, we separated 3 months ago, court has just ordered a section 7, back in court in December.

Ex has got a new partner, I'm not exactly thrilled especially as the kids were not introduced to her, they found out by walking up to her in their mums bed.

I definitely catch myself asking the kids lots of questions about what it like at mums and what's going on.

I feel there is such a fine line between asking out concern/general welfare for the kids and then the other nosey unhealthy part. How do you guys manage it, where do you draw the line?

mini rant really, as much as I am trying not to be bothered it has me quite stressed out.
Personally, not great but at the same time, rather this band aid be ripped off now rather than down the line. Bright side is it stops from having to worry new partners, albeit currently I am not looking. Too much going on as it is without another woman to disappoint :)

Obviously from the perspective of the kids I am angry as well, we filled in the cafcass parenting plan which has a part on new partners.

"not soon and not without discussing with each other first" was what she put.

Not really worth the paper its printed on if actions don't match words.

I have my S7 report starting in a few weeks.

Just a perspective, my ex moved on very soon after our separation. I think its quite common with women, despite a narrative in society suggesting otherwise. If we're honest partly as women have options if they want to pursue them.

Honestly, you're best to ask the kids if they are OK and nothing more. If they tell you stuff then fine but unless it's a concern like a safeguarding concern there's no point getting worked up by it (trust me). Just be neutral about it.

Unfortunately the Mother gets pretty much a free pass with these things when it comes to child related matters.

Don't beat yourself up about it, or try not to.