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New member from Scotland .. my story


New member
I'm from Scotland.

I have a daughter from a previous relationship. I noticed the Mum was having someone at her house whilst I picked up my daughter one day. So I didn't want to hand over my daughter until I was introduced to said male. It never happened so I took my daughter away from that place to stay with me. She complained to police and I ended up taking my daughter back ( I shouldn't have )
I got done with breach of peace for shouting and had abuse allegations against me because of what I did..also a 3 year non harassment order. In those 3 years I didn't reach out because I had noone to ask from her side if I could see my daughter. I've been hurting since and I went to the solicitors now they are issuing the writ to the court. I haven't seen my daughter going on 4 years now. I don't know what to expect..

She won't want me to see her, there is a big back story about it all I don't want to go into.

She will be settled with her new dad in her new home now. Have I ruined my relationship ties with my daughter I know I have every right to see her but I think this will be a long fight. I'm feeling anxious and scared that I will be singled out and my daughter won't want to see me.

I'd love to hear success stories which are similar to mine..
How old is the child? Will they remember you?

Success stories happen. It is unlikely that any of the members will have had exactly your experience. Plenty of dads on here have had injunctions against them and built slowly up to a meaningful relationship from being out in the cold. It is possible.

I get a slight impression that your ex may be capable of reframing things to her advantage and manipulating situations to her convenience. The child will be experiencing that too. They will be looking for other ways of being in the world at some point.

My experience started 4 years ago last month. I have had every type of dirty trick and evil to deal with. More allegations and threats than I can recall. Lies, blackmail and callousness have rained upon the child. Being joyous at every sliver of involvement and making it beautiful has worked for me.

As you probably know, Scottish family law is distinct from the English system. You may have different processes to negotiate.

Stick at it.

Good luck.
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Thats exactly what she will be doing. She wad 1 when it all happened shes 5 now. I hooe i have the same patience as you. But ill have to keep it that way for better things to come. Thank you.