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Never ending......expensive barrister


New member
Dear all,

I hope you are well. stay strong and calm!

I have a hearing on the 8/8/2022, next week. Mother not agreeing with CAFCASS recommendations!!! I am not happy but I accept: alternate weekends, every Wednesday, half of holidays and when mother is away for more then 2 nights (although I am pushing for one night)

Judge was suppose to be available for 4 days but now only for a few hours on Monday.

Useless Barrister asking for £20.000 for representing me on Monday online!!!! Want money now in full. I am not happy with he service and at this point I do not see I need him.

Do you have any recommendation for me based on you experience?


FRAM that is a vast sum of money. The timing is short, but I am sure there is someone who could do a good job and charge less.
What were Cafcass recommendations? Don't back down. You're nearly there - but I wouldn't pay that Barrister either. If you can't find someone else in time (and they can read up a couple of days before and be on the ball in time) then I would consider either self repping or asking for an adjournment. It might be that the hearing is now shorter as it's only going to be a directions hearing.
It's a new QC. I found him rubbish especially considering the cost. hearing is on Monday so difficult to find replacement but will try tomorrow.
Does Barristers always want to be paid in full in advance?
the judge is a disgrace....was supposed to do a direction hearing on the 23/12/2021....cancelled. then April 2022....but he forgot to involve CAFCASS so had to cancel. He then promise to be available 4 days from the 8/8/22 but not happening.....
I know the courts are overloaded but that is really bad. Yes IME barristers need paying up front.

Is it supposed to be a final hearing? I guess if he’s a QC he might get you what you want but that is a vast sum! Even for a full day hearing never mind a half day.
Ok it sounds like the postponed directions hearing on Monday, hence just a few hours. Still seems like an important stage as things have been stuck for so long. With the way your case has gone, I wouldn't self rep at this stage, but if you haven't found someone else by today, then you could either get a solicitor last minute (usually possible) give them a quick brief. Or ask for adjournment.
I confirmed the Barrister. I believe still on holiday but my solicitor is trying to organise a call over the weekend
We exchanged statements. the mother non agreeing with the very logical proposal from CAFCASS
£20K is definitely a lot of money! I hate it when the hearing is on Monday, doesn't give you enough time to prepare beforehand because of the weekend. Best of luck!
Ime I view 20k as being four days Hearing, which it would appear that Monday's Court appearance now isn't.

Fram, is that now what's happening? Monday is only half day? If so, what is the purpose? Without knowing it's hard to give help and support.

Thanks, SS.
its 20.000 for one day. every additional day is extra 5000. He is a QC but did not perform well for me in the past.

Judge was suppose to be available for a full hearing for 4 days but now busy and apparently he only has a couple of hours on Monday.

I suppose he was hoping the parties would agree but while I accept CAFCASS recommendations my ex wife does not.

This Judge has been very unfair with me in my opinion, at times discriminatory towards me. I hope this time he will be in a better mood.

If someone else is speaking for you it helps. Ridiculous expecting people to agree. He needs to follow Cafcass recommendations (if they are positive for you - if not the barrister needs to argue your case). I hope the barrister does a good job - sometimes they can be low key at lesser hearings but come into their own with cross examination. Do you know if this is supposed to be a final hearing? If not listed as one it might become one.

I think the other thing with a barrister is - be very clear, politely, what you want them to achieve on the day. Eg say - I would like, if possible for this to be the final hearing and an order made. Cafcass have made recommendations and Judge could order that and I'd like us to try for that. No more agreements or negotiations because it's just time wasting and my childrens lives are in limbo and so is mine (yours). He might not commit to that but say well we can try. So saying something like - I'd really like you to try for that - can help. It's ridiculous, if there are now no welfare issues, that an order hasn't been made. (A line you could drop to your barrister for the Judge). They are a funny breed barristers. I found mine very aloof and not easy to talk to - first time. And they expect a lot of respect - even though we're paying them. But he knew his job and pulled the stops out when it came to it.

At that price he should get you a good order on Monday. Hopefully the Judge has decided it's time to stop having hearings on your case and an order made too.

Maybe take a draft order wording with you? Doesn't have to be correct terminology, Just write out exactly what you want in an order and give it to the barrister and say this is the order I'd like to try and achieve on the day and have things finaiised.

So set out the defined times and dates etc


Child will live with both parents
With Father during term time:

Week 1 9am Wednesday to 9am Friday
Week 2 9am Wednesday to 9am Monday

Child lives with Mother at all other times during term time (ie the other half/days)

And half the school holidays with each parents as follows:

October half term with Father, May half term with Mother, February half term split, keeping to usual week-end schedule with changeover on Wednesday midday, the summer, easter and Christmas holidays split into two clear halves with the half alternating each year - first half with Mother in 2022 and even years and with Father in 2023 and odd years - second half with Father in 2022 and even years and with Mother in 2023 and odd years.

All school holidays to commence at the time school finishes on the last day of term and end at the time school recommences on the first day of the next term.

Neither parent may change the child's school without the consent of both parents in writing (gives a heads up if she's thinking of moving in case you need to put a prohibited steps order in).

Mother will normally retain childrens passports but will release them to Father for any purpose needed, on request, and within 21 days of any booked holiday.

Such further or other times as agreed by the parties in writing.

In the event that the Mother breaches this order, the Children will live with the Father and spend time with the Mother 6 nights a fortnight and half the school holidays.

That last bit is a suspended residence clause. You could try for it - probably unlikely to get it but it might be enough to scare her into agreeing to the rest of the order if your draft is given to her on the day.
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Thank you. unfortunately wife and her solicitors are a rare breed. the Judge was suppose to do a 4 days trial but now only available a few hours. I think he was feeling that the parties would agree as it normally happens. I am not fully happy with CAFCASS proposal but happy to follow it....the mother wants to deviate materially mainly driven by personality problems and money reasons. She is delusional and I hope the Judge will give the correct indications.

In 5 years I have been in Court 5 I am becoming pretty familiar with the process. I feel this judge had been clearly discriminatory against man/me previously, this is why I am a bit concerned
Is it the same Judge? I had one three times who was flakey - it wasn’t that he was against me he was just soft about Mothers and my ex played the anxious Mother very well. If only he could have seen how fake that was.

The barrister was like a terrier though and wouldn’t let him get away with doing nothing.