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Never ending court proceedings!

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Hi all,

Thanks for a great forum and amount of support and information on here. Wish i joined earlier as been better off.

I Have 2 children 9 and 10 and the relationship broke down when they were 2 in 2016. Ex was on a on/off mind to be together. I tried few times but her behavioir was getting very difficult (allegation on DV, sleeping around etc).

Since split i had children min 3 nights a week right up until 2020. To my surprise over night the children were taken off me and NON MOL was given and PSO based on complete lies. Ex manipulated everyome at school, LA. However after investivations, it was NFA simply because it never happened.

Since then i have been jumping through hoops in the court circus. Additional lies, allegations etc. I lost the fact find (because im male), however all child abuse allegation were NOT found. Currently only have indirect contact, had 1 contact through ISW supervised in 4 years. CAFCASS been un helpful and bias and all partied cause delays and cancel everytime. Adjournments and ignoring emails has been going which leave very minimal progress.

Spend loads of money on course, expert, ISW and 14 hearings, seem a big scam amd not getting nowhere. Everyone dancing to the Ex's tune. Seem stuck!!
If stuck then you maybe need to make something happen or it'll drag on. If you're waiting for a final hearing then you could make a formal complaint if nothing has happened for ages. But just to be clear, have you already had a final order and it depends on Cafcass to be involved and they're not playing ball?
Delays are on the Ex's part, she always got an excuse, however there been an order with dates to comply for next contact sessions. Hopefully these be kept to but expecting an delay someweh as usual. Will wait and see or get an barrister or complaints involved.


No final hearing, just trying to have contact so reports can be generated to move forwards. Plenty of direction meeting to kerp going back to fill legal team pockets.