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Need recommendations: Solicitor - Birmingham


New member
Mediation has been a bit of joke and I'd like to speak to a solicitor about potential next steps. Can anyone recommend a solicitor in the Birmingham area that is versed in father's rights? Thanks!
I don't know any solicitors in Birmingham - others might have recommendations. If people do have recommendations, please can you PM (start a conversation with) aqua007 because we can't promote companies directly on the forum.

Having said that, I personally feel it is better to do the application yourself, with help on here, and then use a solicitor later, if you want to. Personally I would not use a solicitor but do the application yourself and use a direct access barrister for the first hearing.

My experience is it is like a needle in a haystack to find a solicitor that isn't biased towards Mothers or one that will actually fight your corner. But there are some very good barristers who will. Solicitors will run up a lot of bills sending pointless letters, reading letters from your ex's solicitor, none of which will help in court.

You could use a tailored approach. Do the application yourself, use a Direct access barrister for the first hearing. If it goes to a final hearing then hire a solicitor to help construct the evidence statement and prepare the bundle and exchange statements, then use the same Direct access barrister for the final hearing. It will save thousands.

If you can afford it though and want less work and the security of a solicitor barrister team to deal with it all then a solicitor barrister team is another way to go.

The reason I suggest doing the application yourself with help on here is - sometimes solicitors do a very vague job of your application with minimal information, and what goes into that application is important - it can't be changed later. It can also set the tone for the whole proceedings and mean you perhaps didn't ask for enough. Cafcass read that application and form an opinion straight away.

Also so many applications sound the same and you're just a number. It can stand out if you have good application wording and get Cafcass onside from the outset. It can also do the opposite - set you off on a wrong foot from the outset! If for example you rant about the Mother (not recommended!). Many solicitors put vague things like "Dad would like to spend time with the children". With no specific schedule - just asking for crumbs. Pathetic. Of course Dad wants to spend time with his kids. Actually Dad wants them to live with him half the time usually! And has clearly thought out exactly how that would work and what would be a good schedule (showing he has a brain and is child focused).

I had solicitors refusing to ask for shared care in applying to court saying "you won't get it". So I did it myself, and I did get it.
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Hi mate. I'm West Midlands based. I used a firm based in Telford and Wolverhampton. Not too bad price wise and the solicitor was really good. Let me know if you want the name.

Like Ash says you can do most of it yourself. You may just need some advice from a solicitor and if need be get a barrister for court.
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