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My Ex lied about Child Services


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For various reasons I gave my 2 year old daughter raw milk (I regret this). My ex told she had contacted child services and that there advice was they will NOT do an investigation so long as two things: 1) I am removed from the house 2) I am only allowed supervised contact with our daughter. My ex had held this over me the past months insisting she is following Child Services advice on only allowed supervised contact.

For the first month my ex met up with me 3 days per week for supervised contact (with ex in public place). Then she cut it down to 1 day per week. Which has been going on for 3 months.

We have been going through courts recently. I phoned up child services to confirm what my ex told me. They told me they have no record on file but I can call up gateway services (health visitors). They confirmed there was a conversation, I was able to speak to the health visitor who spoke to me ex. She strictly denied they gave my ex any advice on me needing to be out of the house and any recommendations on supervised or unsupervised contact. So my ex lied to me and also to the court.

Currently my ex has applied for a residence order, we have been going through court and she wrote an excessive 18 page document of false allegations against me. My barrister advised me, we have no choice but to respond and refute them all and also request that a third party, namely a CCO officer get involved to read both statements and make a decision on custody. The problem is there is a massive backlog and it will take at least 3 months. The CCO officer can not make a judgement until then.

So in conclusion it will be 7 months, 6 months of which of contact strictly once per week. My ex lied to me and the court.

What should I do? The judge is expecting a rebuttal statement from me in next 3 weeks, then court is set to be in 3 months.
Deal with the court paperwork/response. If you can't prove she didn't get that advice (phone calls and verbal aren't proof) then it might be best to leave that aspect for now and send for Subject Access requests from Social Services and Health Visitor (which will prove no such conversation happened).

1) Is there anything I can do to increase contact in the mean time?

2) Is there any advantage changing the current contact from meeting up with ex in a park to a contact center instead.