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Mortgage Abuse


New member
After reading an article on the BBC re Mortgage Abuse im wondering if anybody has had a similar experience to me. DV alleged, im out the house as per the bail conditions. I'd be stupid to move back into the house for fear of further allegations post bail. I am still paying the mortgage on our house which my ex could no way afford if she was on her own. She is ignoring the estate agent, who has repeatedly suggested to me she the house is significantly overpriced (I agree), as is the feedback from the viewings we have had. We had had no offers in 9 months. Finally the estate agent made contact and informed me my ex wife will not drop the price of the house until we have a financial remedy order which is set for January. Only then would she consider dropping the price of the house, to encourage offers.

In my opinion she wants to stay in out home whilst i pay the mortgage for as long as possible. I believe this is financial abuse which falls under Coersive Control.

Has anybody has similar experiences and what was the outcome? Should i consider going to the Police myself? I have an interim child arrangement order with the final order also set for January. Cafcas were kind to me and i hope for 50/50.
You will get nowhere with it because you are a man. In the lala land we live in, her staying in the property and refusing to let it be sold is because she "needs" a home. Whereas if you stopped paying the mortgage that would be "economic abuse."

The charity Survivors of Economic Abuse published a ridiculous report last week on the very subject, using flawed methodology (they interviewed 1,000 women and not a single man). This is probably why it is in the news.

I would suggest though that if you are both on the mortgage, you only pay a maximum of half.