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Mobile Gaming, Suggestions Please


Experienced member
Hi All,

I have regular video calls with my little one. These often last over an hour. They have been between 2-3 hours at times.

We have played games together many times, board games, naughts and crosses, hang man... These have all been analogue. I think it would be good to find online games we can play that are appropriate for 8+

Something where we each control from the phone we are using. Simple 2 player games. My ex has been very firm on not allowing the child to play Switch with friends. She has told the child it is dangerous. I think this is because she knows the child would find a way of playing with me. I have heard about Roblox and Minecraft, but I do not understand them and think my ex would disallow. The video calls are WhatsApp or Google Meet on my ex's phone.

I'd really appreciate any suggestions.

I googled it, sites say it is for 12+. My ex would pounce on that and get her solicitor to put me on warning! ☹️
I'm afraid I can't help much as didn't allow son to play online with others till he was older, so although he had games, he didn't connect with others. Parental controls turned off that option (PS4 and Switch) but allowed two known people.

I would think boys might like different games to girls as well possibly. Fortnite used to the big one here. But also for older children.

Legend of Zelda is excellent and I used to play that with son. Magical and girls would probably like it too, plus problems to solve. Not sure if it can be done in separate locations online. That's Nintendo Switch only,

Switch is very geared to younger children and there's a 1-2-3 switch programme that allows quiz type games,wizard games and so on. Again not sure if you'd both need to be in the same place (probably).

Animal Crossing has online multiplayer I think - age 3 upwards. Switch again. Honestly I think the Switch is the best thing for younger kids and it has parental controls. I wouldn't let my son have a PS or Xbox until he was older as the games were all older games mainly.

But if she can't have a switch then you're limited to the app store I guess.

Is it Apple or Android?
The Legend of Zelda is amazing by the way! Thoughtful. And there are magic horses ha ha.
It is android.

Switch is what my ex got child for Christmas, but will not let her connect to play others. Not even cousins of the same age.

It needs to be through phones. I'll explore options on our weekends and try to transfer from there.
I play Roblox with my kids over android. You can buy them a private server so no one else can access the games.

Edit to add that I find it a chore to play Roblox, but I do it because it bonds us and gives us something to talk about that they enjoy.
I play Roblox with my kids over android. You can buy them a private server so no one else can access the games.

Edit to add that I find it a chore to play Roblox, but I do it because it bonds us and gives us something to talk about that they enjoy.
I know exactly what you mean! Playing snakes and ladders by video call is a massive chore. It keeps the call going though and lets us have joyous times together. The time in between is priceless.