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Missing my little girl


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Hey all.

I haven’t been on for a while just being trying to process everything and keep myself afloat 😀.

The pain is still very much as strong as it was previously but I’m learning to cope with it and just try and focus on the happy memories I have which I know in my heart is the truthful side to my story. And this memories that can’t be taken away from me or my little girl.

I know now that I’m not viewed as part of my little girls life as I’ve seen school pictures of family trees and of course there is no mention of me or any of my family which is so sad they really do cause that much damage that you can be erased so easily but I don’t believe deep down I’m still inside my little ones heart.

I’m on the path to accepting that I’ll highly likely not see my daughter again for many many years which all I can describe is “grieving the loss” of someone who hasn’t actually passed it’s the most horrendous feeling which I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy and that’s including my ex who has caused all this crazy I know but I just don’t have it in me to be that cruel.

I think the hardest part now is what to write when I send the cards to my little one every couple of weeks I try to keep it light and just mention Diego and day to day things as I’ve been told telling them how much you miss them etc isn’t the best way to go but I admit it’s so hard not to pour my heart out to her. I do also send the odd present with the card but not every time I thought every time would be ott and could look like I’m trying to bribe her.

One plus point is she is doing amazing in school and I’m so proud of how she is coping but on a selfish level it hurts that there seems to be no real impact on her losing me it’s a very surreal feeling.

I hope all of you are well and doing the best you can no matter your situations not easy I know but the best thing for our kids is for them to have a strong happy father there ready and waiting and for me that’s exactly what I’m going to be.

Cry those tears there is no shame in it we are human and our kids are our lives so don’t ever shut yourself away or bottle it up let it out believe me you will be surprised just how much of a release it is.

Much love everyone ❤️
Mate it's good to get news from you. I really feel for you and your little one. Do you have supportive people in your life?

Are you still sending the cards to the school then, if so what happens to them from that point onwards, can the school enable the cards to be kept together in a kind of album or something?
Mate it's good to get news from you. I really feel for you and your little one. Do you have supportive people in your life?

Are you still sending the cards to the school then, if so what happens to them from that point onwards, can the school enable the cards to be kept together in a kind of album or something?
Hi Bujanin.

No not really but I’m doing okay always said I wouldn’t let her beat me and she won’t.

They don’t go to the school they won’t let me send them there. So they go to her home I know they’ve been delivered as I always have them tracked but whether little one gets them i don’t know.
DB, your situation is so cruel.
It's an absolute travesty.
The fact people have easily discarded you from your daughters life disgusts me. How dare they prevent her from having a loving father in her life.
Sadly im just another notch on the most disgraceful statistic in our country.

But it will never break me I can guarantee that for sure 😀
Hey dude, I don't know your story so I can't really comment. Has it really got to the stage where the courts have said no contact ?
Hi Newcastle.

They haven’t said no contact but they gave all the power to my ex so all I was left with is it’s up to her to let me know if my little girl wants to see me which given her behaviour will never happen.

No support offered nothing took what ex said and what my 6 year old supposedly said as fact.

I went from a full spends time with order to within 6 months an order that has no specific contact other than mother is to encourage daughter to see me and if she wants to mother is to let me know.

All I get now is the cards I send and the odd photo that ex puts in the family group chat that was created by SW.
when you say "all the power" did you have a CAO and do you have PR ? when did you finish the court process?
Yes I did have a CAO but as I said that was cancelled at last hearing and replaced with a no specific contact order.

Yea I have PA but that’s irrelevant as the courts said there’s nothing we can do and we won’t offer any support at all.

So when I say all the power I mean ex has complete control as even if little one says she wants to see me how will I ever know ex won’t tell me as she is the cause of this.