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Mediator recommendation


Well-known member
Can anyone recommend a mediator that doesn’t require me to go through the expensive MIAM process? I already have a MIAM and have undertaken mediation. The previous mediator is out of business. All new mediators are saying I have to go through the whole MIAM process again.

I found a mediator who was willing to do it for £75 (inc. a preliminary 30 min meeting) all in. But the other party ignored their request and they are now out-of-office for 2 weeks. If I were to use a mediator that insists on the whole process then it would either be very expensive or (because the other party is on a qualifying low income/ benefits) it would be a very long & delayed administrative process if applying for free mediation.

I want to get the ball rolling ASAP.
I bet I could photoshop you mine, they would not even check, look at it, or even care.....
Thanks but I actually want to attend mediation. The court have recommended (but, crucially, not “ordered”) that our child’s time with me be increased. The coercion/encouragement of a mediator is, I feel, my only hope of getting my child’s mother to agree to increasing the time.

Note that she is soon to be putting our child in a new nursery with complete strangers several days a week. But will keep my time with our child at the court ordered minimum (she will perhaps offer me an additional 2 hours or something silly like that).
Hi Les, I have messaged you a link to a firm I nearly used. They were at cheaper end when I tried. They invited ex, I ended up not doing MIAM or mediation because she declined, but it cost nothing to have the invite go out. My mate used them for a few sessions, he found them ok.

I don't think any mediator will jump straight to sessions without the MIAM first. But you don't have to waste money until you know ex is going ahead.