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Is it worth it....... CMS reduction


Experienced member
Am potentially in a position to have my CMS payment dropped by about £200 (she would still get £450) as I could probably argue my income has dropped by 25% or there about's. We are going through CAO at the moment and my question is........ is it worth it?? I can see two sides to it. It'll will probably piss her off and make her even more difficult but if that happens would I be able to us the CMS drop as an arguing point for why she is being difficult overall???

I'm just trying to think of a why to try and start playing a little offense rather than being in a defensive posture all the time. I think I've kinda answered the question to myself that it will be better to wait for a few months and not risk the backlash, Wondered what people thoughts were??

Yep, you've answered you're own question. I'd get the CAO out of the way, then reduce CMS. Technically not right but I personally would say it's the safe option
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Do you have a final hearing coming up? Whereabouts are you with your case? Another option might be to message her and say that your CMS assessment will drop by £200 a month as you're earning less, but you're proposing to continue paying the current amount for the next 6 months, voluntarily, and then reduce it gradually to the assessed amount, so she has time to adjust.

Then you have evidence of how reasonable you've been if she kicks off and it might help the case possibly. Just a thought.
I would see this as two separate issues:

1. CMS having the correct income amount to calculate your liability
2. Your decision on reducing payments

For now, focus on 1.

This would not mean you have to reduce the payments. But, it would mean payments are clearly over the required amount. CMS can take an age to process things and correct the amount you are due to pay. I was in the same situation. It took about 9 months and an extraordinary amount of effort for CMS to correct my liability.