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Independent Social Worker (ISW)


New member
Dear All,

I am writing to seek clarification and guidance regarding the contact arrangements following the recent Fact-Finding Hearing.

After the Fact-Finding Hearing, the judge ruled that all 24 allegations raised were "not found." However, on the same day the judgment was released, the mother took the child to the GP, suggesting that the child might be suffering from some form of autism. The GP determined that the child is fine but mentioned that the mother could seek a private children's center for further checks if she wishes. Consequently, when the court was set to order contact through a contact centre, it instead recommended the use of an Independent Social Worker (ISW).

I have several questions regarding the ISW arrangement:

  1. Location and Timing of Sessions: Who is responsible for deciding the location, date, and time of these sessions with the ISW?
  2. Duration of ISW Requirement: The court has currently ordered that the child reside with the mother until the next hearing, which is scheduled in six months. Does this mean I am required to use the ISW for all six months, as this can be financially burdensome?
  3. Finding an ISW in West London: How can I locate an ISW in West London? Are there specific websites or services you would recommend for booking an ISW?
  4. Accelerating the Next Hearing: If I complete all six ISW-supervised sessions within a month, would it be possible to request the court to bring forward the next hearing to review the "live-in" order and potentially consider 50-50 shared care?
Your advice on these matters would be greatly appreciated.
I am really sorry to hear this. It would indeed be expensive to use an ISW for supervised time for 6 months. How long since the hearing? I assume, if there's nothing in the order about it, it's left for you to find one. However what you mention is an option - if you get good ISW feedback you could maybe ask for an interim hearing to go unsupervised until the next hearing.
the mother took the child to the GP, suggesting that the child might be suffering from some form of autism.
Just to mention this part. This seems to be common. My partners ex has alluded to his son that he has adhd.
This is a way for mothers to explain away children potentially having behavioural or emotional issues caused by being torn from their dads. They'd rather have the child diagnosed with autism/adhd than take responsibility of what they have caused.
Hello everyone,

I am seeking advice regarding the use of Independent Social Workers (ISWs). Has anyone had experience with an ISW, and would you recommend relying on an ISW report as opposed to a Cafcass officer’s report? Any insights would be greatly appreciated.

Where are you at I'm court proceedings?
How old are your kids?

In order to appoint an ISW you need permission from the court or agreement from the other parent.
You normally need to submit a Part 25 application and have references from a couple of ISW's. And a good reason to ask for one. A solicitor might be able to advise (you can get a free half hour's legal advice). If the ex doesn't agree, the court might order it anyway. Generally it is better than having Cafcass doing it and they also pick up any alienating behaviours usually.
@Gooddad I had to get 3 quotes for an ISW and will be requesting one at my next hearing.
I also am interested to hear if anyone has had experience of using an ISW and what the pros and cons are.
My reason is to establish a relationship with my 15 month daughter as she is showing signs of stress at our CC sessions and we need assistance moving things forward.
The pros are supposed to be - they aren't biased. Some Dads have used one to prove parental alienation or at least manipulation by the Mother etc.
My only worry is, as I am paying for the ISW sessions, mother doesn't really care and she likes to prolong the process as much as she can to punish me. If it was Cafcass, then she wouldn't try any silly games, as Cafcass can be more serious and can report back to the court any sign of alienation.

My other question, if someone is off-sick and can't afford the ISW, can he or she seek support to pay for ISWs, as each session is about £200 ish?
So are you saying you're currently having supervised time with an ISW and paying for it? An ISW report is something else.
From what I understand for my circumstances the ISW would visit both parents separately, assess the children separately, could include a S7 or similar before any sessions begin. Then after a few sessions create a report. Therefore my overall costs covers far more than only session with my daughter.
I have an ISW undertaking supervised observations of me and my daughters, following the last hearing back in June 24. I have undertaken 6 observations across different venues (for tea, taking our pet dog for a walk and at soft play centres). The next scheduled session is on Monday coming which will be number 7.

The ISW is attempting to seeing my daughters (both aged 8 but will turn 9 this weekend) at their school and away from Mum following her discussion with Cafcass. Each report indicates very positive interaction, no issues, father meets needs of the children and is child focused and their is no need for support.

The ISW has asked me directly - you don't need this, I responded "it was imposed"
She remarked to me - "Has your wife always been awkward"? I just responded, she finds it difficult to let go.
She also stated, I want to see the girls on their own without Mum as she'll project her feelings, emotions onto the children. - I just listened.

Also, in the S7 report it stated
4 weeks in community - observed, then extended 4 weeks time (unsupervised) then 4 weeks with overnights back home, unsupervised. This has been totally ignored by the wife and wife has demanded that I undertake 10 observations before going to unsupervised. The ISW challened her as to what her criteria was - I have not received an answer back as yet.

The final hearing is on 16th & 17th January 2025:

1. Wife is deliberately dragging out supervised contact before next hearing and preventing return to overnights back home and unsupervised access.
2. The ISW notified me she doesn't have the authority to order wife to do anything she advised I might have to exercise my PR (Responsibilities and or recourse to solicitor - I have held back on this as I am seeing the children and Cafcass know contact is taking place).
3. I am happy for the ISW to see the children at school on her own but its trying to get it scheduled.
4. Cafcass remaining silent.

I have been in this since my court case commenced Oct 2023 and when direct, unsupervised access was deliberately cut off by wife back in June 2023 for no reason.

Have already gone through 4 hearings with a final hearing scheduled over 2 days in January. Cost to date £30k, next two hearings for Barrister £6k plusVAT = £7200.
Conan - you could do a C2 to enforce the interim order if it hasn't progressed to unsupervised and overnights. And get that started before the final hearing. Is it actually in an interim order or just recommended by Cafcass? Either way you could still do a C2 saying progression isn't happening and ISW is happy.
Conan - you could do a C2 to enforce the interim order if it hasn't progressed to unsupervised and overnights. And get that started before the final hearing. Is it actually in an interim order or just recommended by Cafcass? Either way you could still do a C2 saying progression isn't happening and ISW is happy.
Thanks Ash
This is a tricky one.

I did a C2 (April but hearing was remote back in May) before and it backfired as Judge ruled it was premature before last hearing (June) and costs were awarded to other side. A timeline was not ruled in the current interim order (only outlined in the s7 by Cafcass). But work to be undertaken by an ISW with clear instructions to observe contact not to assess but to advise on next steps. I guess she needs to continue to do her work but is getting blocked, and having difficulties by the wife!!

Plus ISW and Cafcass have spoken and ISW is charged to speak to the girls on their own for Cafcass to add feedback into the appended version of her report for the final hearing (I suspect).

I believe, if I go back to court now, I could get a premature telling off again by Judge and costs awarded again?
Ah I remember that now. Maybe the last one was a bit too soon. Do you know if it's the same Judge throughout or not?
I have an ISW undertaking supervised observations of me and my daughters, following the last hearing back in June 24. I have undertaken 6 observations across different venues (for tea, taking our pet dog for a walk and at soft play centres). The next scheduled session is on Monday coming which will be number 7.

The ISW is attempting to seeing my daughters (both aged 8 but will turn 9 this weekend) at their school and away from Mum following her discussion with Cafcass. Each report indicates very positive interaction, no issues, father meets needs of the children and is child focused and their is no need for support.

The ISW has asked me directly - you don't need this, I responded "it was imposed"
She remarked to me - "Has your wife always been awkward"? I just responded, she finds it difficult to let go.
She also stated, I want to see the girls on their own without Mum as she'll project her feelings, emotions onto the children. - I just listened.

Also, in the S7 report it stated
4 weeks in community - observed, then extended 4 weeks time (unsupervised) then 4 weeks with overnights back home, unsupervised. This has been totally ignored by the wife and wife has demanded that I undertake 10 observations before going to unsupervised. The ISW challened her as to what her criteria was - I have not received an answer back as yet.

The final hearing is on 16th & 17th January 2025:

1. Wife is deliberately dragging out supervised contact before next hearing and preventing return to overnights back home and unsupervised access.
2. The ISW notified me she doesn't have the authority to order wife to do anything she advised I might have to exercise my PR (Responsibilities and or recourse to solicitor - I have held back on this as I am seeing the children and Cafcass know contact is taking place).
3. I am happy for the ISW to see the children at school on her own but its trying to get it scheduled.
4. Cafcass remaining silent.

I have been in this since my court case commenced Oct 2023 and when direct, unsupervised access was deliberately cut off by wife back in June 2023 for no reason.

Have already gone through 4 hearings with a final hearing scheduled over 2 days in January. Cost to date £30k, next two hearings for Barrister £6k plusVAT = £7200.
Hi Conan,

Could you please let me know how did you source the ISW? Did court ask you specifically to provide 3x ISWs contact and mother should select one out of 3 and also agree on the instructing letter? The court gave the mother a week to review the instructing letter. So far she has missed all deadlines and not sure what to do, I am concern if I do C2 App, court will order in her favor again.