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How to handle yourself as a LIP in a fact finding hearing?


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Hi everyone

I'm sure some of you know the kind of allegations i'm up against. All the dirtiest ones in the book of corrupt spineless immoral and unethical solicitiors and barristers and i'm sure you all would have known by now the kind of ex and their family members I am dealing with.

I'm not sure when the 3 day fact finding is anymore as the pre trial hearing was cancelled 3 weeks ago. Still awaiting a new date. I'm expecting more cancellations and my ordeal to last longer than expected and anticipated.

I am watching the Depp Heard trials and it is painfaully long and frustrating, reminds so much of my application where countless baseless allegations are being thrown at me (the applicant for access) with the most ultimate view that the respondent, the ex is doing everything possible to keep me seperated for my daughter, knowing full well the kind of things our family courts entertain in the court environment.

Looking at past statements submitted to the court by the respondent, I have already identified lies, I mean this is like a long process where the custodial parent can lie and walk away from it without consequence. It is ridiculuous.

Bad luck for me, bad luck for all of us in the situation.

Please could I have some advice on how to handle the solicitors and barriesters on the opposing side. They are dirty people and like them, their words will be full of dirt too. I don;t want to depend on the judges to regulate, they can only do so much. I have said to myself that I will not allow any oppressive or threatining tones or behaviours from them in the court room. I know they will be provoctive.

Hi - sorry your pre trial hearing has been cancelled and hope you get a new date soon. My advice, after everything you've been through, would be to try and get funds together to pay a direct access barrister. Fact finds can be very tricky and as you say, your ex will have tricky lawyers who may try to dominate the proceedings and dialogue.
I would re-iterate what Ash said . You really need a barrister for Fact Finding . I was LIP against exes team of lawyers and they were very adapt at twisting facts and I lost. However confident you are it’s very easy to get de-railed as LIP and come across as evasive or emotionally unstable during proceedings .
It's a fairly crucial process - at the end of it, if you lose it could be "no contact" or "indirect contact only". If you "win" it will go to a final hearing and you get an order and ask for specific clauses to ensure it's complied with.
next weeks 3 day remote fact finding has been cancelled due to there not being enough judges, then the next day they found a judge and it was back on, then a day after that, they vacated / adjorned it altogether and moved it to November at the royal court of justice in Strand, attendance in person.
hearings in london seem to take place more than 1 year apart.. the last hearing was in Oct 2021.

pace is very slow
question i ask myself is even if i had a solicitor, would it have picked up the pace quicker from December 2019 when i applied for the variation (which is still ongoing) to the existing order (which was made Sept 2019.
I would re-iterate what Ash said . You really need a barrister for Fact Finding . I was LIP against exes team of lawyers and they were very adapt at twisting facts and I lost. However confident you are it’s very easy to get de-railed as LIP and come across as evasive or emotionally unstable during proceedings .
but in the long term what did you actually lose?