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How have you managed your financial situation after


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I’m looking at options after divorce.

I’ won’t have the full deposit for another house straight away, and will take me a few years to get there, renting is also crazy expensive at the moment.

My stbx wants to live in places where it’s crazy house prices, however, she has a lot of money due to working in finance.

She is agreeing to a 50:50 time split if I don’t go after her financially and move to where she wants.

In terms of finances we just get back whatever money we put into the house, and share the small equity.

Her situation is fine to buy a house where she desires.

If I rent there, is over half my income, which I suppose isn’t the end of the world.

I’m half tempted to go to court about the location only, as it will be moving her away from her grandma, who she is very close with.

Where I am at the moment is much more affordable.

Sorry, bit of a meaningless rant.

Also, is it better to rent initially anyway? What did you do?
Hi, I'm not in the position yet to clarify anything however ,February is my final financial hearing, my solicitor has convinced me to start with 60/40, which is fi e by me as my initial instruction was sell the house, she gets 100% of what's left and a dramatic reduction in her % of my pension if any, however, all this, as I said many times, is frustrating to calculate as since the financials started in 2023 the stbx has not engaged in anything no compliance,no form e,nothing ,so as it stands the judge will be making the decision based purely on my finances and any inferences I can provide about her finances.

In respect of renting, yes I agree it's shocking but have you considered half rent half buy?