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How do you think the family court system could be improved?


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Admin and Moderator
Post your suggestions here. Evidence at first hearing could help (that is already possible with enforcement hearings).

My thoughts: Replace Cafcass with trained psychologists. A psychological assessment on both parents immediately after application and before first hearing. To establish if either parent is lying, a manipulator or alienator, has a personality disorder, an agenda or is at risk of harming the children. And only at that stage determine whether or not it is safe for the children to have their wishes and feelings heard. To prevent ongoing psychological abuse of children for months by an alienator who delays the court process with allegations. With the psychologist advising the court on what type of order should be made and if any monitoring should be in place if they suspect alienation.

The cost of employing trained psychologists would be outweighed by the savings meant in reduced court hearing times and repeat applications as an alienator carries on alienating and breaching court orders.
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Automatic 50/50 legal shared care residency, from the time of separation. Then there wouldn't need to be half so many court cases. Equal parental rights to see and bring up their children. Local authorities required by law to have contact with both parents regarding schools and school applications. Local authorities to implement arbitrators if parents disagree on choice of school. For a start .....
Agree with your recommendations above.

Get rid of the adversarial system and put an onus on the court to hold both sides to account.

Give a much longer window for appeal.

Give responsibility for drafting orders to the court, or an independent party, rather than representation for either side.

Introduce consequences for perjury.

Enforce rules on submission of evidence and reject evidence submitted outside of process.

Improve judicial continuity, this will protect progress made in each hearing and make perjury easier to detect.

Make recordings available for both sides following hearing, or introduce speech to text technology to create transcript for free.

Give McKenzie's Friends right to address the court.

Release honest statistics on false allegations.

Provide IDVA's without gender bias.

Regulate solicitors much more assertively and monitor routine malpractice.