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How did the Police handle the DV allegations?


New member
Hi all. I’m just keen to know your experiences with the Police.

When I was arrested my stbx provided no evidence to the Police. In my haste I was a bit naive in interview, I should have ‘no commented’ throughout however I gave context to the arguments we had and said I was acting in self defence through fear of assault myself. It is then apparent though not proven that stbx has provided further evidence which I believe she has fabricated and therefore may be found guilty of wasting police time. I was initial told NFA would be the outcome but this new ‘evidence’ has led to my bail been extended.

So, what was your experience with the Police like? Has anybody experienced of their stbx providing evidence the stbx knew be false? The CPS has some interesting insight in their website about guidance the police should follow when considering DV allegations.
Depends on what you were arrested for and what evidence there is. The CPS decide on any charges for DA offences, not the police (assuming it goes that far).