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Holidays and lies to the school


New member
Hi Dads

I have a section 7 to determine if the mother is influencing my daughter to lie and fabricate for her and prove if parent alienation is going on as currently daughter doesn't want to see me. my evidence was sent in and mothers response in direction hearing is my behaviour is why my daughter doesn't want to see me because I ghosted my daughter instead as she saying my daughter does want to see me. nonsense.

big part of my court evidence and concerns raised and that section 7 are looking into regarding the mother is that my daughter is always having to be secret, fabricate and lie to make and suit her mothers stories. which i have expressed its taking its toll heavily on her.

Latest event happened this week my daughter has been off school and the mother is stating that its because of her asthma. i jumped on the school app we have for parents and it shows that is what she has been telling the school as its logged word for word what the mother has typed everyday.

A family relative who follows my ex as they still talk has stated she is on holiday think when when they mentioned it they automatically assumed I would know and my daughter MUST be with her otherwise why else would the absence be happening. Ex is putting up selfies and its clear she's abroad on holiday with stories on the story board.
i speak to my daughter on the phone and she never mentioned any holiday coming doesnt surprise and i know shes not allowed to mention anything to me just would be nice to know my daughter has left the country if god forbid anything ever happened.

The mother has lied to the school. Do they need to be informed? or do i not mention anything to them and let her get away with it and hopefully the court will believe me when i mention that yet again my daughter is having to conceal information and lie for the mother that she was off from school because of her asthma. surely the school will see she has a tan!!!!??? and wait for my cafcass interview and mention this to them as this strengthens my case in what they are trying to find out that my daughter has to always lie for the mother.
I wouldn't usually encourage to grass her up to the school and she would land a fine but if like others say to me section 7 cafcass can ask to see what school have. Mom telling them lies would strengthen what you are trying to prove with mom encouraging your daughter to pretend she was ill and lie for the mother to have her holiday.

You can always rely on social media for these people who just can't help themselves.
I wouldn't usually encourage to grass her up to the school and she would land a fine but if like others say to me section 7 cafcass can ask to see what school have. Mom telling them lies would strengthen what you are trying to prove with mom encouraging your daughter to pretend she was ill and lie for the mother to have her holiday.

You can always rely on social media for these people who just can't help themselves.
The irony being they would fine her and also send the fine to you too.
whilst fines are applicable they are not made everytime. It’s likely to be noted as unauthorised absence by the school if you can demonstrate the child was not sick.

Education is part of the welfare checklist and the suspected action taken by the mother will be frowned upon. It demonstrates lack of priority with regard education, by lying to you an inability to co-parent, asking your daughter to cover up could also be seen as emotional abuse.

Tread lightly- inform the school of your concerns and stand back, express your fear to SS/Cafcass but do not run down mother.

It’s so hard, if you raise your concern (as you should) with too much emotion the take away by professionals will feuding parents with differing parenting styles in the long run….

Good luck
Wouldn't it be great if other parents saw her social media posts and spread the gossip.
You never know, may happen.