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High Conflict Child custody case - CAFCASS Cymru Cardiff Wales under new Pathfinder pilot


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I’ve just had a DRA hearing in which a bias and damning Cafcass Xynru report has recommended 100% live with to Mum following children’s voice being heard in report as well as mum but their narrative is

1. Alienation of kids
2. False allegation of Extreme alcohol misuse
3. Domestic Abuse - hitting children which they have been manipulated to lie about or call out very minor / innocent events as being major and regularly occurring

Officer has attended court and sat on mums side with privacy screens up.

I had barrister and managed to avoid final order being made as live with mum and they were also trying to get no direct cobtact for Dad and indirect contact through mum.

The final hearing is soon and I need to cross examine Cafcass officer to challenge report, process followed for child welfare checklist and also lack of seeing dad with children and putting in a plan to see 6 months lack of direct contact restarted asap and ramped up based on wishes and feelings of the children

Is anyone familiar with it does anyone have experience of challenging Section 7 to ensure contact and plan to increase it either by milestones or variation to order. Also pathfinder process in pilot seems to be badly understood by court officials and is just being used. To expedite cases through minimal court hearings which are very biased and detrimental to the father.

There has been no police, social services or other agency involvement
I have GP letter confirming I am sane and have no Alcohol or drug issues
I also completed a hair strand test prior to most recent hearing proving 3 months abstinence from a tettotal period of 12 months.

How is it possible I am facing potential no direct contact anc no current chance of a shared care live with.

This is all based on the Cafcass report nothing more and apparently the child wish/feeling/voice is determinative.

The children are 13 and 10.
The stbx wife is coercive, manipulative and has been planning the divorce for many years.

Where can I go in final hearing with my barrister?

I am also being told stbx had a video which her solicitor wishes to submit in next bundle.

Final hearing is just cross examination of Cafcass officer with submissions. No cross examination of applicant or respondent.