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So finally I've received the welcome we are CAFCAS letter, seems friendly enough,yet thanks to the experience of the members here I know it's to lure me into a false sense of security. So safeguarding Interview looms, any advice for the forth coming ' we will listen but ignore your view completely ' interview
Talk about the kid(s).

Talk about the kids some more.

Be prepared for the possibility that Cafcass will have spoken to your ex and taken all she had to say as gospel. Deny what you know is untrue calmly, clearly, and succinctly. Offer to cooperate in any way that will resolve matters and get the best outcome for the kid(s) - e.g. testing or disclosure of medical records. If Cafcass see this type of stuff as necessary, you can do it preemptively and skip ahead in the process.

Record the call for your reference and write to them about any errors when you receive the letter.
So finally I've received the welcome we are CAFCAS letter, seems friendly enough,yet thanks to the experience of the members here I know it's to lure me into a false sense of security. So safeguarding Interview looms, any advice for the forth coming ' we will listen but ignore your view completely ' interview
In fairness my call was quite good. It was clear they had read my 5b details in full like advised here. No awkward questions and kept it child focused and calm.

The report came back with the ex falling into the trap of emotional responses and allegations / mud sling festival. This has played out to a significant advantage.

Ofcourse, the report came back with s7 recommended and alcohol test etc but it is glaringly obvious the more stable child focused parent. It's all about stacking the odds in your favour.
Thanks @Resolute when the Interview is scheduled, roughly how long before it appears in the court
I got the letter about 3-4 weeks after the call. There was a court order giving Cafcass the deadline though.

Just googled - not more than 20 working days from instruction and not less than 3 working days before the hearing.
Just received the date for FHDRA any advice for the form F Parenting plan, which I have to send off in the next 7 days
So finally I've received the welcome we are CAFCAS letter, seems friendly enough,yet thanks to the experience of the members here I know it's to lure me into a false sense of security. So safeguarding Interview looms, any advice for the forth coming ' we will listen but ignore your view completely ' interview
Just be honest with them without being hostile to "mum", and refer to her as mum, they like that. As Resolute has said keep it child focused, discuss the thing you enjoy doing with your kids and how you enrich their lives. Don't ever back track on anything, it will undermine you. As the older members on here know, I accused my ex of alienation on my C100 application, I never backed down, even when the Cafcass officer said there was no alienation. Be kind and thoughtful with them, they have an awful job.
A few thoughts from my interview with Cafcass. They opened with "This is an informal interview, so relax". I would advise not relaxing, they are there to do a job. During the interview I got the impression that it didn't go great, I couldn't get much from her. Lo and behold the report came out 100% in my favour. They have done this many times before, be genuine and stick to the kids, don't badmouth the ex. In my case, my kid got very upset in his interview with Cafcass about what made him stressed (speaking to me about moving to another country). Cafcass are then careful to ask the right questions of you to see if there is more to this. Don't get phased by this, they are doing their job, and unfortunately sometimes there are parents that abuse their children. Rehearse answers to questions, how are they getting on at school, names of their friends, activities you do together. Try not to get emotional
A few thoughts from my interview with Cafcass. They opened with "This is an informal interview, so relax". I would advise not relaxing, they are there to do a job. During the interview I got the impression that it didn't go great, I couldn't get much from her. Lo and behold the report came out 100% in my favour. They have done this many times before, be genuine and stick to the kids, don't badmouth the ex. In my case, my kid got very upset in his interview with Cafcass about what made him stressed (speaking to me about moving to another country). Cafcass are then careful to ask the right questions of you to see if there is more to this. Don't get phased by this, they are doing their job, and unfortunately sometimes there are parents that abuse their children. Rehearse answers to questions, how are they getting on at school, names of their friends, activities you do together. Try not to get emotional
You give good advice.

Are you talking about the initial safeguarding call or the Section 7? I don't think kids are spoken to until the S7.

When you refer to living in another country are you looking to leave or the mother?
Currently I'm working through the parenting plan that needs to filed I have 2 questions
1. It states within 7 days to return and file at court, is this 7days or working days?
2.under the emergencies section I have suggested ex nominates a family member for me to contact if an emergency happens whilst my som is with me, now,with an order in place not to contact ex directly or Indirectly by suggesting this am I breaching my order, because the ex would 100% need to be notified as it would be an emergency I've also suggested this in regards to anything else important relating to my son
An update after CAFCASS safeguarding today, well it easnt as bad as I thought, but I did take all the advice on here,kept calm,didn't react,kept it child focused and not once bad mouthed the ex, however, what amazed me was that all the allegations the ex piled on for the police to investigate was not mentioned once, there was no hint of any of it, the ex stated she's encouraging for my boy to see me, yeah right, theres her safety net, and aside from that nothing that would worry me, so now sit back and wait for the report to determine if a S7 is needed, one hand I want one so they can deep dive into how my boy is been looked after due to his high level of school absences on the other hand I dont want that so can proceed quicker and get something arranged.
An update after CAFCASS safeguarding today, well it easnt as bad as I thought, but I did take all the advice on here,kept calm,didn't react,kept it child focused and not once bad mouthed the ex, however, what amazed me was that all the allegations the ex piled on for the police to investigate was not mentioned once, there was no hint of any of it, the ex stated she's encouraging for my boy to see me, yeah right, theres her safety net, and aside from that nothing that would worry me, so now sit back and wait for the report to determine if a S7 is needed, one hand I want one so they can deep dive into how my boy is been looked after due to his high level of school absences on the other hand I dont want that so can proceed quicker and get something arranged.
Great to hear your positive update mate. Think we are on similar time lines (even if my solicitors did miss some correspondence from the court so I am now playing catchup!)

Was meant to have my call today, but the CAFCASS officer called this morning and had to rearrange. Glad to see you had a positive interaction though!