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I don’t know where to turn, csa are no help and I’m getting the runaround.

I have 2 children with two different women, I was working and csa/ csm was taking money direct from work I was living with my parents at this time.
I then meet my wife shortly after shes pregnant but she’s studying so I decided to stop working once the baby was born. I never signed on I just stayed at home and raised my child, 9 months later she’s pregnant again so I’ve stayed off work 16 months

Remember I said I was living at my parents house before I married and had not changed my details, so I was getting all my mail there.

Sometime within that time I got letter that I owed money, naively I thought they could see that I’ve not been working as they previously been taking the money direct from employer

So I contacted csa and said I’ve not been working and you have been charge me at the rate of my last job for 16 months and you must be able to see I’ve not contributed on n.I or tax so how ?
He says that it does not matter I should have told them, and they won’t change it

6 years later the ccj has returned but now 11k
Aargh that is a huge sum of money. Have you got everything documented? Why didn't they contact you when they tried to take payment and it failed? Or contact your employer? Also they are supposed to assess you annually and send you a letter annually telling you what you need to pay. Did you get an annual assessment letter?

I suggest you put something in writing to them. You might even need some legal advice - not sure what type of lawyer. You should be able to get a free half hour. Also try writing to your MP. That sometimes helps as the MP sends it to the relevant government department.

Try and make it a formal polite letter to CMS, with clear information and attaching various things.

Like - I have been out of employment since x date but not claiming unemployment benefit. I have had no earned income since x date, as will be apparent from my no longer being paid by my former employer x name and from my tax records. I have not had annual assessment letters based on my earned income (I have not had any earned income).

I cannot see how I can owe £11,000 in CMS payments when I have not worked since x date and had no annual assessments from CMS. If annual assessments have been sent out, please can you forward copies of these. I have checked all the mail at my parents home (where I used to live) but nothing has been received. Since I remarried in x year I now live at the address above although my mail was still going to my parents address as before.

You may end up having to go to a tribunal over it but don't give up.