Sorry if this sounds urgent but to get right to it, been in the court system for 2 years, final hearing has been rescheduled twice now to next month. Guardian involved, local authority involved, section 7 and 47(nothing to do with me), parenting assessments, no fact find(ordered but afterwards was seen as not necessary even though allegations are wild)
Just got told last Tuesday that those dates have been scrapped alongside any other dates due to a new higher level judge being allocated and a DRA scheduled for this Friday. Have theories as to why this may have occurred but until I get there on Friday nothing will be known for sure, nothing to do with the other side or guardian.
I have to write a position statement which in itself is fine but the wording of the new order is making me question if I need to cite laws or cases which being LIP, I don't want to come across as a know it all or anything of that nature if that's not what it is asking and risk it affecting my chances.
"...detailed position statements which set out their proposals for the future management of the case and any legal arguments supporting them."
if anyone could let me know whether to cite things like "Re K (Shared Residence Order) [2008] EWCA Civ 526" or citing the welfare checklist sections which allude to my situation.
Thank you
Sorry if this sounds urgent but to get right to it, been in the court system for 2 years, final hearing has been rescheduled twice now to next month. Guardian involved, local authority involved, section 7 and 47(nothing to do with me), parenting assessments, no fact find(ordered but afterwards was seen as not necessary even though allegations are wild)
Just got told last Tuesday that those dates have been scrapped alongside any other dates due to a new higher level judge being allocated and a DRA scheduled for this Friday. Have theories as to why this may have occurred but until I get there on Friday nothing will be known for sure, nothing to do with the other side or guardian.
I have to write a position statement which in itself is fine but the wording of the new order is making me question if I need to cite laws or cases which being LIP, I don't want to come across as a know it all or anything of that nature if that's not what it is asking and risk it affecting my chances.
"...detailed position statements which set out their proposals for the future management of the case and any legal arguments supporting them."
if anyone could let me know whether to cite things like "Re K (Shared Residence Order) [2008] EWCA Civ 526" or citing the welfare checklist sections which allude to my situation.
Thank you