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Hearings far away from home and a LIP


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Founder Member

In a bit of a pickle I think.
Im quite far away from home and never been in a hearing lasting more than 1 day (excluding remote)

What do you guys do about admin support. Suppose after day 1, I need to revise my position statement or counter new stuff for the second day or even the third day...

I have access to a PC(I hope) and my one drive but no printer.

At the moment I can revise statements, make new statements on a relatives pc, save it on cloud.

Any ideas...?
I have represented people as an advocate across multiple sites. It is a pickle, I used Microsoft 365. Track changes and insert notes where necessary. Print to pdf necessary docs before hearings and access them on a mobile device - sometimes phone, sometimes laptop. Advantage with phone is that you always have internet access. I would have a pad with titles for matters arising. Different page or series of pages for different topics I needed to come back to as things progress.

It was enough to keep things in order and accessible. But, I am quite good at not working from a script.

(Printing to pdf creates a fixed doc that is easy to navigate and can be shared. Editable version remains available if things need changing.)
Sorry my question was about being able to print for subsequent days... See I've already printed my documents at home for day 1, The position statement etc.

What do I do for printing documents off ready for the following days?
I see what you mean, I was thinking if you can share pdf with court and other side, and you can read the pdf, there would no longer be a need for the printer.

If you really have to print, internet cafes and corner shops used to do this, not sure if they still do.