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Form E Questionnaire


Well-known member
Hey Guys

Not sure if anyone can help as I appreciate this is a Dad forum.. and Form E is not a child related matter but as so many of you have been so knowledgable in the past I thought it was worth a shot...

Form E's exchanged
Questionnaires exchanged
Other side has come back with an updated questionnaire even though we haven't yet exchanged responses... and they added another question. No explanation as to why, or its relevance.. but they want all credit card statements from my partner dating back 3 years.

I have no idea why this is relevant to the financial proceedings...
The dates they are asking for are 2 years AFTER separation and decree Absolute...
He never failed to meet the payments they agreed for maintenance during this period.
He isn't asking for her to contribute to his credit card debt accumulated since Divorce.
The only relevance for the credit cards - is the joint marital debt he had accumulated on them prior to 2019...

Do we have to give this info or just ignore - since they seem to be fishing and no idea what for or why
Are they wanting to see if he bought any items of over £500 in value? To ensure he declares them as 'assets' on his Form E???

I always thought it only normal to go back 12 months prior to Form E... not 3 years... and only a judge can order us to do that...
I don't know the answer to this, sorry. They are clearly trying to see if he's hiding, or spent, assets but I suspect you can ignore unless a court orders you to produce them.
A from E is not a requirement unless ordered by the judge at first hearing. Usually solicitors request one before proceedings as it generates a bit more money for them.
You can refuse a form E and usually just submit the financial disclosure. The disclosure can be disputed and it not agrees it then normally goes in front of judge who then orders a form E. A form E is really only worth filling in before first hearing if it’s already very very clear there will be no agreement. Hope this helps in some way
From recollection it's 12 months you go back.

I'd ask them on what basis they have the right to request anything further
thanks all! So Divorce was finalised online as a DIY version hence the financial side got overlooked... and only recently reared its ugly head.
I worked out that 3 years of all his credit card statements, assuming an average of 2 pages per statement (opening sheet and one side of transactions) will be nearly 650 pages... so ChatGPT has helped to write a proposed reply that it is excessive, it is without reason or rationale, and is disproportionate. Additionally since he is not asking for any contribution from his Ex to the debt accumulated since divorce.. it is also irrelevant...

I doubt a judge would appreciate 650 pages in the court bundle of just credit card statements...