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First cafcass call in the morning. What to expect / say? Urgent.


New member
Hi all. .

Was advised to come on here before my call with cafcass, a lady is calling me at 10:30 in the morning for the first time.

I have a first hearing scheduled in court in a few weeks and the first call as my ex has accused me of DA. The sad matter is that it is her that is awaiting a CPS decision after a caution for ABH towards me.
For years I have been subjected to DA and finally rang the police but she is counter claiming. We have both put in independent c100 forms but hers seems to have got there first so I am now the defendant. There is no evidence that I have done anything wrong all my messages have been respectful etc. But as she has got there first I am now being accused. Out child is currently spending 50/50 time but she is making all sorts up.

What do I need to be mindful off tommorow?

Thanks in advance.
Evening bud.

It's really quite simple advice.

Child focussed

Co parent orientated

Her allegations have come as a complete shock and you do not know why she has made them.

The CAFCASS officer might well ask the same question a couple of times in a different way to eek out some parental conflict or mud slinging from you. Don't get drawn in.

Always bring it back to positive experiences and the promotion of a positive relationship with both parents.

I'll tell you now, when the CAFCASS letter arrives you will almost certainly be heart broken by it.

Come back on here and you'll be reassured.
Everything @nothernsoul has mentioned

Also record the call for future reference

You're not supposed to but there's no way cafcass can tell you are
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Have a search around the forum - there is lots of info on this particular topic.
Try to say something positive about the Ex, even if the thought of it makes your skin crawl..

My mantra was;

"I actually think EX is a good Mum, I just think she has a hard time being apart from CHILD and that's why she's made these allegations / is resistant to overnights"

Good luck!
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How old is the child?
7. He witnessed the actual assault, I was th one who took him out the situation and placed him with a neighbor so that he didn't have to see the repercussions. I was the one also who rang so ial services as was concerned about him being with his mum as she seemingly had lost her mind!; all of his life I was the one who stayed at home so my wife could pursue her dream career, I've done 7 years worth of school runs, after-school clubs etc and even worked two part time jobs the hours he was asleep so I could " financially contribute " as was told this is what men do! Something that was constantly being used to belittle and make me feel like cr*p and not like I was a proper man. I was never allowed any friends, ones I did have she would scare away or be nasty too. She controlled all the money, and I had two previous occasions of physical abuse but always justified it as must have been an accident. Can't see how hitting me with a car was but I always rationalised it.

Only since we started the divorce, now our child is old enough to understand what a happy family should look like I made the decision to end things so that he didn't grow up thinking our situation was normal! Only then did she suddenly want to become involved, not to help or to benefit our son, to make my life as hard as possible and weaponise the child. .i mean she even walked out of his first parents evening because she had a back massage booked, when she is in care of him, I've found out she has fed him spoiled milk for breakfast so gone to school hungry, refused to do washing, homework, constantly exposed him to inappropriate age related activities. Even letting him drive a vehicle / tractor age 6! She would never discipline in, left that to me and used it as a way to alienate me further. She is now bullying me with the financial settlement. I originally didn't want to go for 50/50 was happy taking just enough to set up a life for me and our child, but she is now using financial abuse and saying unless I agree to a really low settlement she is going to stop her financial contributions to the family home ( she already has ) letting our family home default. Rendering me lost to know what to do. I've reported the financial abuse and Domestic abuse to the police and she is on bail at the moment awaiting a CPS charge for Occasioning ABH. THEN I got the letter saying I had headbutted her and I was an alcoholic etc

On the day of the assault, the police came and the first set were really biased, the plan was I was going to leave for an hour to allow her to collect some things, she would leave to go to her families house, she would pick child up from schl and I would have him a few hoursblater and put him to bed in our family home, nobody collected him from school and it was then I found out she had been arrested, I was not even there, she refused to leave the property and was arrested, I cancelled all my clients at work and collected him from school that day, had to comfort the child and for ten days after she didn't even attempt not even through her representatives to enquire on the welfare of her child. When she was arrested on that day we have since found out that what has gone to the CPS for decision is charges relating to occasioning actual bodily harm.

I have worked out the parenting schedules and she is not allowed contact with me and that was extended but I've made sure the parenting plan reflected 50/50. I work weekends ( I'm a musician, which was always an embarrassment to her ) and her counter plan only ever has plans to inconvenience me. It had him moving addresses every two nights. Something he told social services was unfair that he had to travel a lot. The plan I put forward allowed us both to work out jobs and gave the child a chunk of time in each house. The last few times he has come home really distressed as mummy had told him all sorts of lies, I raised this as a concern to social services and was told I could withdraw contact and exercise my parental rights. She was warned numerous times by SS but thinks she knows best, also refused to follow drs treatment advice for him as she knew better. I've done homework diaries, journals etc to make it easier and have been calm in all my MSG's so far, even though I want to scream. .

She has A LOT OF family support and money and I have nothing. Can't afford a solicitor as the money I had saved she came back to the property one day whilst I was out and took all my cash, increased our overdraft and withdrew all the cash and let the mortgage fail. Leaving me reliant on food banks etc. unreported it Tom the police and was told it was a civil matter, hence them I reported the financial abuse on the advice of a men's DA charity. So I am BEYOND desperate, totally overwhelmed and feeling very very low.

Sorry to rant, I'm just alone and have no idea what to do
How old is the child?
I have been beyond compassionate in my messages to try and arrange childcare split but she still is more interested in getting one over on me then what is best for our child.

He witnessed or at least heard the actual assault as was in the car when she headbutted me, he commented that it wasn't nice of mummy to behave that way. 😞
I took him out the situation and placed him with a neighbor so that he didn't have to see the repercussions. I was the one also who rang social services and the police as was concerned about him being with his mum as she seemingly had lost her mind!; all whilst she ran up and down the street screaming blue murder whilst ringing her fancy solicitor.

I don't want to discredit her, I know it's better for him to have two parents, but the facts sadly don't l of his life I was the one who stayed at home so my wife could pursue her dream career, I've done 7 years worth of school runs, after-school clubs etc and even worked two part time jobs the hours he was asleep so I could " financially contribute " as was told this is what men do! Something that was constantly being used to belittle and make me feel like cr*p and not like I was a proper man. I was never allowed any friends, ones I did have she would scare away or be nasty too.

She controlled all the money, and I had two previous occasions of physical abuse but always justified it as must have been an accident. Can't see how hitting me with a car was but I always rationalised it.

Only since we started the divorce, now our child is old enough to understand what a happy family should look like I made the decision to end things so that he didn't grow up thinking our situation was normal! Only then did she suddenly want to become involved, not to help or to benefit our son, to make my life as hard as possible and weaponise the child. .i mean she even walked out of his first parents evening because she had a back massage booked, when she is in care of him, I've found out she has fed him spoiled milk for breakfast so gone to school hungry, refused to do washing, homework, constantly exposed him to inappropriate age related activities. Even letting him drive a vehicle / tractor age 6! She would never discipline in, left that to me and used it as a way to alienate me further. She is now bullying me with the financial settlement. I originally didn't want to go for 50/50 was happy taking just enough to set up a life for me and our child, but she is now using financial abuse and saying unless I agree to a really low settlement like 15A% she is going to stop her financial contributions to the family home ( she already has ) letting our family home default. Rendering me lost to know what to do. I've reported the financial abuse and Domestic abuse to the police and she is on bail at the moment awaiting a CPS charge for Occasioning ABH. THEN I got the letter saying I had headbutted her and I was an alcoholic etc

On the day of the assault, the police came and the first set were really biased, saying they could smell alcohol. Which was rubbish as I hadn't drunk, but I stood up for myself and questioned why when I was the one involving them due to a concern of her behaviour did they think it was more appropriate to leave him in her care so the plan changes too I was going to leave for an hour to allow her to collect some things, she would leave to go to her families house for a few days, she would pick child up from schl and then I would have him back and put him to bed in our family home/take him to school etc as I have done for the last 5;years, but nobody collected him from school and it was then I found out she had later been arrested, I was not even there at this point so no idea what actually happened in the house with the police other than she refused to leave the property and was arrested, I got a call to tell me this so cancelled all my clients at work and collected him from school that day, had to comfort the child and for ten days after she didn't even attempt not even through her representatives to enquire on the welfare of her child. When she was arrested on that day we have since found out that what has gone to the CPS for decision is charges relating to occasioning actual bodily harm.

I have worked out the parenting schedules and she is not allowed contact with me and that was extended but I've made sure the parenting plan reflected 50/50. I work weekends ( I'm a musician, which was always an embarrassment to her ) and her counter plan only ever has plans to inconvenience me. It had him moving addresses every two nights. Something he told social services was unfair that he had to travel a lot. The plan I put forward allowed us both to work out jobs and gave the child a chunk of time in each house. The last few times he has come home really distressed as mummy had told him all sorts of lies, I raised this as a concern to social services and was told I could withdraw contact and exercise my parental rights. She was warned numerous times by SS but thinks she knows best, also refused to follow drs treatment advice for him as she knew better. I've done homework diaries, journals etc to make it easier and have been calm in all my MSG's so far, even though I want to scream. .

She has A LOT OF family support and money and I have nothing. Can't afford a solicitor as the money I had saved she came back to the property one day whilst I was out and took all my cash, increased our overdraft and withdrew all the cash and let the mortgage fail. Leaving me reliant on food banks etc. unreported it Tom the police and was told it was a civil matter, hence them I reported the financial abuse on the advice of a men's DA charity. So I am BEYOND desperate, totally overwhelmed and feeling very very low.

I have been using a Mackenzie friend only and trying to figure the rest out alone.

Sorry to rant, I'm just alone and have no idea what to do. I've put in a c100 but it went to one court, she has put one in as now living in a different postal code and went to another and hers was actioned first. Now saying that I am a risk to the child, I commited DV and have a drink problem of which there is no evidence. Even social services have said that there isn't any evidence of that at all and for 7 years she wasnt concerned enough as she received the benefits of me driving him to and from school and everywhere. So if she was really concerned I had a drink problem,why allow this to continue!

Oh when she was escorted back to the house after being bailed she took all the child's piggy banks, my cash and also has taken the child's passports. He has dual nationality and so does she. I can truly see now the years of torment , coersion and control she had on me.
Evening bud.

It's really quite simple advice.

Child focussed

Co parent orientated

Her allegations have come as a complete shock and you do not know why she has made them.

The CAFCASS officer might well ask the same question a couple of times in a different way to eek out some parental conflict or mud slinging from you. Don't get drawn in.

Always bring it back to positive experiences and the promotion of a positive relationship with both parents.

I'll tell you now, when the CAFCASS letter arrives you will almost certainly be heart broken by it.

Come back on here and you'll be reassured.
But what if there is a genuine concern from me about her having custody unsupervised? She has put the child in distress and has mentally, physically and financially abused me, with the latest incident resulting in her arrest and bail awaiting CPS for ABH. Im not mud slinging it's just the sad truth 😞
But what if there is a genuine concern from me about her having custody unsupervised? She has put the child in distress and has mentally, physically and financially abused me, with the latest incident resulting in her arrest and bail awaiting CPS for ABH. Im not mud slinging it's just the sad truth 😞

Well you can mention that obviously.

The focus though shouldn't be on mud slinging etc (however hard).

But if we're talking 50 50 you've got to then equalise that against the concerns you have, I.e. if your ex has your son a lot they're going to question why you think it's not appropriate at all. There's a whole area deemed conflict between parents so as much as possible you want to not get drawn into that (I realise bloody hard with what's happened!)
Well you can mention that obviously.

The focus though shouldn't be on mud slinging etc (however hard).

But if we're talking 50 50 you've got to then equalise that against the concerns you have, I.e. if your ex has your son a lot they're going to question why you think it's not appropriate at all. There's a whole area deemed conflict between parents so as much as possible you want to not get drawn into that (I realise bloody hard with what's happened!)
I understand that it's best for him to have his mum in his life and have tried to continue with that arrangement, but it's all happened so fast.

The truth being is that i had the safeguarding concerns and i acted upon it and involved social services. One case officer told me to exercise my rights and not send him to his mum's that weekend when he came home crying and the other told me it was more beneficial for him to go. From my side I'm just trying to protect him from emotional harm as she has bail conditions that now prevent her seeing me I'm not worried over the physical abuse to myself and i don't think she would physically harm our child but k am hugely concerned over emotional manipulation of him and harm. So against my better judgement i let him see her and upheld a 50/50 but was totally prepared if it saved his emotional wellbeing to have gone for sole

So i have records and evidence from social services and police crime numbers

This is where I'm confused as what to say as it's not mud slinging it's just the truth. How do i portray that. ?
I see what you're saying but at the same time it's tricky whenever there's 50 50 to put forward the other side is unsuitable

Just keep to the facts. Present concerns you can back up with facts but at the same time come across as the calm and sensible one that wants the best for his child.

If you dont think 50 50 is appropriate this is probably the time to stick your flag in the sand so to speak but whatever you say now you should then aim to be consistent with thereafter.
Have you had the call yet?

If not please take some deep breaths and try not to unload all of these emotions during your CAFCASS call.

The cold hard truth is that, despite all of your evidence, you are still the undersog here and things can snowball the wrong direction very quickly.

CAFCASS don't have the power to make any long term arrangements for your child but they do have the power to make interim recommendations that could easily go against you.

Your concerns can be heard another time but just for today, please try and remain calm and appear to be the co parent.
Had the call and she had already spoken with social services and could see that i was working with the police. She confirmed to me on the phone that she could see there was no investigation into me as a perpetrator of DV. Yet she could see that my ex was under caution awaiting charge for ABH. I just kept bringing it back to our son, how two parents are better in his life and how I've done everything in my power so far to date to be amenable and cooperative. Inc showing her the parenting schedule i put together to maximise time each of us has him but limits his travel time not the swap each day arrangement she proposed. I did mention that currently there were evidence based safeguarding investigations going on towards her. But she knew of these already. She actually told me that there was no evidence to show i was a risk or that DV was present from my side and actually said i was the victim. Even then unexplained that ex is not a bad mum but that these issues and accusations may have come about because she isnm struggling with r'ship breakdown. She saw that I have kept a homework diary to go backwards and forwards so that she could see I was willing to co parent.

It ended by her saying that she doesn't see the need to go through the process or section 7 relating to me but recommended that I continued pursuing it against ex and that she was then going to ring my ex to tell her that there is no requirement or evidence to support her and would write a letter to that effect. She also mentioned to me about getting an occupation order for after her bail conditions expire. She never mentioned anything to do with drinking.

Untill I see something in writing im not going to hold my breath though!! Not sure what happens now though if she says it's not needed? The position statement still needs to be written for the c100?
Good news!

Position statement will be needed for court yes. From memory a few days before court itself. There's resources on here regarding that.