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Final Hearing - Position Statement


Experienced member
Hi all,

I just wanted some pointers/ layout ideas for a final hearing position statement.

Bare in mind that my hearing is a composite final hearing (final hearing and a FF)

My application is for a CAO (Child arrangement order) and a PRO (Parental responsibilities order)

I know that there are position statement templates about but I wanted something more specific to my hearing.

What would I cover to make it a solid position statement?

• Update since previous hearing

• Mother's continued behaviour of refusing contact etc

• Section 7 report - inaccuracies and flaws etc

• Proposed contact arrangements

• Mention the parental responsibilities order?

My final hearing is a month away and Im preparing in advance, especially due to the ex's solicitor and their sneaky tricks.

Thanks in advance :)
Short and snappy bullet points

Don’t bog the judge down with loads and loads of evidence

When talking about what you ex has done to you make sure it’s also very clear you want it to be amicable between you for the sake of the little ones

If there is any positive communication then mention it

Would be great to suggest listing the time you have spent with kids but sounds like you don’t see them due to your ex preventing that

My final statement was quite different so it’s a tricky one to offer advise on. I think the main thing I would reiterate is yes mentioning the things your ex as done but also make it clear you don’t want conflict/hostility.

Hopefully somebody else can offer more than me. Sorry I can’t offer much! It’s very different to my final statement and quite a different angle. It’s great you have plenty of time to sort it. All the best with it 💪