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Final hearing due! Cafcass and Social services recommendations


New member

Just after some advice please.

I applied for an enforcement order last year after my ex breached the court order in place of equal shared care lived with order, i had my children 2 days one week and 4 days the next, and week each during all school holidays.

Fast forward to now, after having a section 7 report, pyscological assessments, involvement with social services to a s47 report, emergency hearing, children being subject to child protection under emotional harm.... social services and cafcass (the childrens guardian) and the children's solicitor have all filed their final report to court and they are recommending that the children to live with me on a full time basis and see mother twice a week, with supervised contact.

The final hearing is due and i am wondering how heavy will the professionals recommendations weigh on the judge.

The reports are quite damming against mother and very very supportive of myself in every aspect.

I dont want to be too confident, but cant help but think how could the judge go against all of the professional recommendations.

Any past experiences would be fantastic.

Thank you.
I need to also add that throughout, mum has yet to adhere to a single court order, it has been noted that CAFCASS and SOCIAL SERVICES no longer support a shared care arrangement as they believe the children are suffering significant emotional harm in mothers care and they have no confidence that mother will follow any court order given, and that the alienation and abuse will continue and they worry that if the judge agrees to a shared care arrangement that my relationship with my children will be irreparably damaged.
This sounds brilliant for you!
After so many assessments and so many professionals involved, I cannot see why a judge would go against the recommendations.
Fingers crossed.
Even today, the social workers has had to have her manager reply back to mum as they have said she has become to abusive and are now refusing to speak to her direct unless she goes through her solictor. She is emailing them calling them all abusers and stating that they are abusing her children etc etc.

It would be good to hear anyone elses experience with final hearings and recommendations and whether the judge is likely to go with professionals or make their own mind up.

Just after some advice please.

I applied for an enforcement order last year after my ex breached the court order in place of equal shared care lived with order, i had my children 2 days one week and 4 days the next, and week each during all school holidays.

Fast forward to now, after having a section 7 report, pyscological assessments, involvement with social services to a s47 report, emergency hearing, children being subject to child protection under emotional harm.... social services and cafcass (the childrens guardian) and the children's solicitor have all filed their final report to court and they are recommending that the children to live with me on a full time basis and see mother twice a week, with supervised contact.

The final hearing is due and i am wondering how heavy will the professionals recommendations weigh on the judge.

The reports are quite damming against mother and very very supportive of myself in every aspect.

I dont want to be too confident, but cant help but think how could the judge go against all of the professional recommendations.

Any past experiences would be fantastic.

Thank you.
You sound like your in the exact position i was in 5 years ago.

A judge will always go on the advice from the professionals when making their decision.