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Final hearing due! Cafcass and Social services recommendations


New member

Just after some advice please.

I applied for an enforcement order last year after my ex breached the court order in place of equal shared care lived with order, i had my children 2 days one week and 4 days the next, and week each during all school holidays.

Fast forward to now, after having a section 7 report, pyscological assessments, involvement with social services to a s47 report, emergency hearing, children being subject to child protection under emotional harm.... social services and cafcass (the childrens guardian) and the children's solicitor have all filed their final report to court and they are recommending that the children to live with me on a full time basis and see mother twice a week, with supervised contact.

The final hearing is due and i am wondering how heavy will the professionals recommendations weigh on the judge.

The reports are quite damming against mother and very very supportive of myself in every aspect.

I dont want to be too confident, but cant help but think how could the judge go against all of the professional recommendations.

Any past experiences would be fantastic.

Thank you.