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Ffh thrown out now she has appealed


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Ffh thrown out and magistrates granted to go back to me seeing my son once aweek as was arranged inthe intrim. now she has appealed.
Got a date for the custody order to be heard 30/9/24 as the last hearing ruled no ffh nesscessary. She appeal after the 7 days and it's been granted. Absolutely beside myself. A section 7 was down months ago as she demanded all favoured me and no issues then the false allegations increased. So when the ffh was thrown out I was over the moon. It seems 1 step forward and 10 back. I am very easy going and laid back and this is the main thing as there is no evidence. Her actions and impact on my son is terrible. Short story she moved out dec 2022 then moved in with her boyfriend Jan 2023 I saw my son 2 days week then we arranged April 2023 50/50 all great then 28/82023 she didn't drop him off and the nightmare began. Csa was contacted by her immediately and that was and is an added nightmare. Each hearing allegations have escalated to sexual abuse resulting in me blnot seeing my son again after the court put a plan in place till a court order was arranged. Last hearing she retracted the assualt and said it was abuse and coercive behaviour so I got to see my son again and no ffh required. Has anyone been down the route of an appeal and still then goes on to ffh even though section 7 was already done etc etc. Any advice on help with money would be great, I take home just under 2000 month and once paid rent and 400 csa leaves me 200 to pay bills/food get to work impossible and so scared of losing my home and then won't have a secure place for my son to come to if court supports me in any way. I have mckenize friend supporting which my parents have supported with this. How are we supposed to fight pay and have no live just worry unopened worry.....trying to stay afloat and calm and all you want is to see your child of 3 who is telling you he doesn't want to go to mummy and wants to stay with me it's heart breaking and so many mothers are playing this game. Sorry first time done anything like this feel very alone
Hi and welcome

Sorry to hear this cms at 20% of take home pay is a tough amount to budget for given the numbers you mention

Can I check how much you pay in rent
Can I also check you are paying cms based on having your child 1 night a week
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Ffh thrown out and magistrates granted to go back to me seeing my son once aweek as was arranged inthe intrim. now she has appealed.
Got a date for the custody order to be heard 30/9/24 as the last hearing ruled no ffh nesscessary. She appeal after the 7 days and it's been granted. Absolutely beside myself. A section 7 was down months ago as she demanded all favoured me and no issues then the false allegations increased. So when the ffh was thrown out I was over the moon. It seems 1 step forward and 10 back. I am very easy going and laid back and this is the main thing as there is no evidence. Her actions and impact on my son is terrible. Short story she moved out dec 2022 then moved in with her boyfriend Jan 2023 I saw my son 2 days week then we arranged April 2023 50/50 all great then 28/82023 she didn't drop him off and the nightmare began. Csa was contacted by her immediately and that was and is an added nightmare. Each hearing allegations have escalated to sexual abuse resulting in me blnot seeing my son again after the court put a plan in place till a court order was arranged. Last hearing she retracted the assualt and said it was abuse and coercive behaviour so I got to see my son again and no ffh required. Has anyone been down the route of an appeal and still then goes on to ffh even though section 7 was already done etc etc. Any advice on help with money would be great, I take home just under 2000 month and once paid rent and 400 csa leaves me 200 to pay bills/food get to work impossible and so scared of losing my home and then won't have a secure place for my son to come to if court supports me in any way. I have mckenize friend supporting which my parents have supported with this. How are we supposed to fight pay and have no live just worry unopened worry.....trying to stay afloat and calm and all you want is to see your child of 3 who is telling you he doesn't want to go to mummy and wants to stay with me it's heart breaking and so many mothers are playing this game. Sorry first time done anything like this feel very alone

Sorry to hear about your story. I think ff is key for you, as if you do ff right and cleared of alligations chances of her appealing it are very slim. My advise to to ask seek help from a good barrister over paying mackenzie friends as Judges are not in favour of them.
Hi and welcome

Sorry to hear this cms at 20% of take home pay is a tough amount to budget for given the numbers you mention

Can I check how much you pay in rent
She even appealed the first cma when it was 50/50 as they said nothing to pay and that's gone to a tribunal aswell...he doesn't have him a night just 8 hrs 1 day a week at the mo unless they stop again and the appeal goes to ffh. The rent he's got a good landlord and didn't put it up last year and even wrote a letter for court. Pays 1350 for 3 bed hse all the others in the area are like 1500 for 1 bed flat...

Sorry to hear about your story. I think ff is key for you, as if you do ff right and cleared of alligations chances of her appealing it are very slim. My advise to to ask seek help from a good barrister over paying mackenzie friends as Judges are not in favour of them.
It's a mind field the trouble is a section 7 has already been done from 1st hearing as she demanded it and cafcas had no issues or concerns and advised 50/50 to reinstate...she didn't like that so run down the report and now started saying abusive and coercive controlling behaviour with no evidence and escalating to sexual abuse at that hearing so all visits stopped then the next hearing to see if ff needed retracted and said controlling abusive behaviour again and visiting reinstated and blow appeal in again and waiting on date frickin joke
It's a mind field the trouble is a section 7 has already been done from 1st hearing as she demanded it and cafcas had no issues or concerns and advised 50/50 to reinstate...she didn't like that so run down the report and now started saying abusive and coercive controlling behaviour with no evidence and escalating to sexual abuse at that hearing so all visits stopped then the next hearing to see if ff needed retracted and said controlling abusive behaviour again and visiting reinstated and blow appeal in again and waiting on date frickin joke
You see I think if u have a ff she and your cleared she cant use the alligations again..its just very costly. My friend was same s7 done.. Whole thing going nowhere for couple of years until ff was done and now its finally in his favour and she's been found. Its good to have caffcass on your side though. Always a bonus.. What is your next court date due?
You see I think if u have a ff she and your cleared she cant use the alligations again..its just very costly. My friend was same s7 done.. Whole thing going nowhere for couple of years until ff was done and now its finally in his favour and she's been found. Its good to have caffcass on your side though. Always a bonus.. What is your next court date due?
The custody order is 30/9 but the letter stating appeal granted and court date to be arranged for that now has thrown spanner in works I presume especially if they now say ffh is needed after saying it wasn't...listening to my sin saying he can't keep doing it which he will it's just the impact so wrong and luving in that limbo why the ex and new partner do what they like
You see I think if u have a ff she and your cleared she cant use the alligations again..its just very costly. My friend was same s7 done.. Whole thing going nowhere for couple of years until ff was done and now its finally in his favour and she's been found.

The custody order is 30/9 but the letter stating appeal granted and court date to be arranged for that now has thrown spanner in works I presume especially if they now say ffh is needed after saying it wasn't...listening to my sin saying he can't keep doing it which he will it's just the impact so wrong and luving in that limbo why the ex and new partner do what they like
I know its absolutely awful the effect it is having on dads. Although just because the appeal was granted, maybe she will loose when it goes in front of the Judge.
If Cafcass had no concerns and recommended 50/50, I can't see she will get very far with an appeal asking for a fact find. Is it magistrates? If so then she doesn't need permission to appeal hence the appeal has probably been accepted. It doesn't mean she'll win the appeal and get a fact find ordered. If she does then yes it could put the final hearing date back.