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False abduction allegation, SS, then more false allegations, police. Waiting...


Well-known member
I'll try to make this succinct:

- My ex-partner and I moved abroad last year with our 2-year-old child.
- She has a diagnosed personality disorder and her mental health declined, putting our child at risk.
- I suggested she seek help, and in January, while I was away, she took our child to the UK without my consent.
- She later apologized and asked me to pick up our child and return home, intending to stay in the UK for therapy.
- Weeks later, she struggled and demanded I return to the UK so she could claim homelessness or illegally claim benefits. I refused, suggesting she stabilize first.
- She falsely reported child abduction to UK police and initiated Hague Convention proceedings. The child was returned to her, not due to abduction but lack of support in our current country.
- I haven't seen my child in person for three months. Phone calls are sporadic and poor quality due to interference.
- I shared 50/50 childcare duties and had a strong, affectionate relationship with our child.
- A social worker was assigned due to the abduction allegation, but I received no response to my attempts to contact her.
- I went to the police to address the abduction claim, which was disproven. My ex then made further false allegations of abuse.
- The police dropped the abduction claim but wrongly interpreted the situation based on my ex's false information.
- She also lied to the courts in the third country but faced no consequences.
- I returned to the UK immediately after our child was sent back, fearing for her safety due to her mother's mental health. My concerns to social services and police were ignored.
- I filed an urgent C100, thinking my ex was living with her mother, but she wasn't. Three months later, the court has not issued proceedings or scheduled a hearing, claiming to transfer the case to another court.
- I'm left not formally knowing why I can't see my child. I've heard that social services advised my ex not to let me see her based on the false abduction allegation. Ironically, she was the one who abducted our child.
- The court application is stalled, and I have no contact from social services. I'm awaiting the police investigation into her new allegations, which are strategic and baseless.

Any advice or insight is welcome.
On first reading, it feels like you might need to wait it out. A police outcome or a notice of hearing feels like the trigger to your next step.

You could prepare an application within proceedings, C2. If you submit this prior to the NMO and reference the C100 case number, it just might get the whole lot consolidated and make your 'return date' for the NMO a broader hearing.

It is also worth considering the merit of complaining to Children's Services about how this has been handled. If you haven't already, I'd make a Subject Access Request to your Local Authority.

Sorry, I can't see a silver bullet. It feels like you are probably in for a slog.
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On first reading, it feels like you might need to wait it out. A police outcome or a notice of hearing feels like the trigger to you next step.

You could prepare an application within proceedings, C2. If you submit this prior to the NMO and reference the C100 case number, it just might get the whole lot consolidated and make your 'return date' for the NMO a broader hearing.

It is also worth considering the merit of complaining to Children's Services about how this has been handled. If you haven't already, I'd make a Subject Access Request to your Local Authority.

Sorry, I can't see a silver bullet. It feels like you are probably in for a slog.
That's a really interesting idea (application within proceedings); thank you for that. As it was another court who issued that case number for the C100, but now that I know her actual address is in another court area (the same court that issued the NMO, I was told which court it was over the phone), I guess there is zero harm in now making applications within the original C100 case number to the new court.

Definitely a slog. Reading through this forum it amazes me how the "shopping list" or the "checklist" for these psychic vampires is almost identical every single time.
That's a really interesting idea (application within proceedings); thank you for that. As it was another court who issued that case number for the C100, but now that I know her actual address is in another court area (the same court that issued the NMO, I was told which court it was over the phone), I guess there is zero harm in now making applications within the original C100 case number to the new court.

Definitely a slog. Reading through this forum it amazes me how the "shopping list" or the "checklist" for these psychic vampires is almost identical every single time.
Well spotted!

I think that is really important to remember. None of this is about you. It is the same old tricks with a few details varied on the template. You will be up against playbook moves the whole way through.
Does anybody know from experience if - pending a FHDRA, which is a very, very long way away, and pending the CAFCASS report (which will have to be reviewed anyway because there are ongoing criminal investigations into both parents) - can I make an application within proceedings for a specific steps order that to trigger contact at a contact centre? There will be safeguarding concerns because of the ex's allegations; I'm hoping this will be cleared up by the police soon, but in the meantime I feel like I ought to make an urgent specific steps application within proceedings so I can get some contact with my child. This time for her is going to be confusing and is emotional abuse.

Just wonder what experiences people have had getting things done prior to a FHDRA?