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Fact Finding Judgement


New member
I apologise if this topic has been addressed before.

It has been over two months since the fact finding hearing and court has not released the judgment.

I have called and emailed the court because I have another hearing on the 6th of September and need to secure representation if the judgment is not forthcoming soon.

Do you know if it is generally a good or bad sign when a judgment takes this long to be delivered?"
It seems strange the court haven't replied to your email. Have you had any court documentation at all since the hearing?
Is the hearing on the 6th the final hearing.
I'm not surprised you have heard nothing tbh.
They're so backlogged.
Our local court used to have an autoresponse on emails saying they'll respond in X amount of days. Now they don't even bother giving a timescale.
How long was the fact finding and was Cafcass involved?
I would get in touch with the court maybe even by phone with some polite prompting .
I once had to email and speak on the phone to somebody as I was worried I'd not been sent the relevant documentation (wasn't a fact find though ) and it seemed I was supposed to have recieved some info but there was nothing , not even in my spam folder and they resent it and I did receive it that week .
Maybe it's been missed by accident so id get in touch just to make sure especially with your hearing coming up very soon .
I would also phone Cafcass , I had an issue and they did tell me they'd read the email but I found that out after I rang them and they were very quick to get back in touch so I'd ring Cafcass and express your concern , they'll understand .
I apologise if this topic has been addressed before.

It has been over two months since the fact finding hearing and court has not released the judgment.

I have called and emailed the court because I have another hearing on the 6th of September and need to secure representation if the judgment is not forthcoming soon.

Do you know if it is generally a good or bad sign when a judgment takes this long to be delivered?"
Not necessarily a bad thing, results can be the day before or a few days before your next due in a case Management you in Sept?
Is the hearing on the 6th the final hearing.
I'm not surprised you have heard nothing tbh.
They're so backlogged.
Our local court used to have an autoresponse on emails saying they'll respond in X amount of days. Now they don't even bother giving a timescale.
How long was the fact finding and was Cafcass involved?
Fact finding originally set to 2 days, however the other side Barrister made it into 3 days, Cafcass wasn't involved, at least I didn't see them during the conference call.
I would get in touch with the court maybe even by phone with some polite prompting .
I once had to email and speak on the phone to somebody as I was worried I'd not been sent the relevant documentation (wasn't a fact find though ) and it seemed I was supposed to have recieved some info but there was nothing , not even in my spam folder and they resent it and I did receive it that week .
Maybe it's been missed by accident so id get in touch just to make sure especially with your hearing coming up very soon .
I would also phone Cafcass , I had an issue and they did tell me they'd read the email but I found that out after I rang them and they were very quick to get back in touch so I'd ring Cafcass and express your concern , they'll understand .
Thanks, I have called the court a number of times as well as emailed them (very polite email), however I still have not heard back from them, cafcass wasn't involved so nit sure whether I should still try calling them. I have raised my concern with my barrister and she said, maybe the judge wants to released the judgment during the contact hearing which I found it strange as we need to prepare for the next hearing.
Not necessarily a bad thing, results can be the day before or a few days before your next due in a case Management you in Sept?
During the hearing, judge said she will be on holiday in July and she will released the judgment in August after receiving both sides submissions, and the judge even mentioned that, once the judgment is released, perhaps both party can get into some agreement in relation to contact. It is now 4th of Sep and I still have not got the judgment.
I am thinking to switch from my current solicitor / Barrister to Father4Justice, anyone got any comments about whether this is a right move. Please note, I have filed my C100 App back in Aug 2022 and till now I am still fighting to have contact with my son.
I can't comment on other support groups but I wouldn't personally pay money to anyone who isn't a lawyer.