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Exceptional case of order for 15 year old


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Another recent case this year, that recognised "parental alienation" or rather phrased as manipulation by the Mother. The court didn't transfer residency but did make an order for a 15 year old to see her Father. It seems this was requested until age 18 but only ordered until age 16.

The comment near the bottom highlights the difficulty of obtaining help from the court once a child is of a certain age. Any transfer of residency needs to be achieved at a younger age and it suggests to me that there needs to be something more than family court if orders aren't going to be enforced by age 15 usually. I'm not sure what.

"This case highlights the challenges the court faces when a parent is determined to exclude the other parent from their childrens lives. It serves as an example of the court's limited powers in ensuring a balanced upbringing for children in such circumstances."

T, Re (A Child) (S9(6) The Childrens Act 1989 Orders: Exceptional Circumstances: Parental Alienation) [2024] EWHC 59 (Fam)

"This case highlights the challenges the court faces when a parent is determined to exclude the other parent from their childrens lives. It serves as an example of the court's limited powers in ensuring a balanced upbringing for children in such circumstances."
This is very interesting. I wish more courts would actually say this to parents in hearings instead of leaving people with the feeling of what on earth happened.
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