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Ex has contacted social services and police again

Yeah I'll definitely be asking for that in my position statement. The judges already dislike her and her antics so hopefully that trend will continue.
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Also she keeps going on about these so called concerns but has never suggested a resolution to them. Even though the concerns were resolved months ago and are not actual legitimate concerns and just bullshit. All she suggests is supervised contact, how is that a solution lol all I can see is this is just a ploy to push me out of their lives.
I've got my second cafcass interview in the past 18 months coming up. Should I do the same as last time and say I have no issues with the mother or should I bring up the breaching court orders, withholding the children out of spite, parental alienation with her new partner coming onto the scene and referring the kids as their children, claiming legal aid falsely and so on? I'm just nervous again cause I haven't seen my kids for months now, haven't been able to call them as the ex used a previous phone call saying I slandered her infront of the kids. Also the ex and her solicitor have applied for a c100 to change the court order to one hour a fortnight supervised contact.
I wouldn't be negative about her or accuse her of things like alienation. Just talk calmly and keep to facts. You can say she's a good Mum but she keeps breaching the court order without good reason, an enforcement order was made which warned her she must follow the order and she breached that as well. Just say your boys are perfectly fine with you and you've been looking after them for quite some time now, and you think it may be to do with the fact that she has a new partner now and wishes to reduce your time. But talk about your boys too - what they like doing when with you - Cafcass like to hear you talk specifics about the kids and keep it child focused. And say you are extremely worried about the effect on them of not seeing you as they really need routine and familiarity due to the autism.

Just give them the facts and concerns and let them decide what she's doing - rather than you tell them what she's doing.