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Ex demanding to know new partner's address.


New member
Good Morning all,

From reading through the threads, it seems like we all seem to suffer from the same problems, so I'm hoping someone else might have experienced something similar and could offer some advice. My son is 6 months old and my Ex and I split up in January before he was born. The ex moved out of the family home and moved back in with her parents and I have been living in the family home, paying all of the bills with the ex contributing her half of the mortgage. The family home has been up for sale and is in the process of being bought with a buyer now going through the stages to buy the property. The ex allowed me to have my son for a few hours on a Tuesday evening and a Friday night overnight into a Saturday.

This has been the routine for the last 6 months, in the meanwhile, I have met someone else and have been dating since the end of May and she has met my child and the ex knows I'm in a relationship with her. However, the Ex has been harassing me, turning up at the family home during parenting time on numerous different occasions, she’s turned up at my parents evening when I had him because my car wasn't at the family home and she was checking to see if I had taken my son to my girlfriends.

Now that the house has sold I will be moving out, my girlfriend has asked me to move in with her. My ex caught wind of where I will be going and told me that unless I tell her where my girlfriend lives, I’m not allowed to have my son overnight anymore. She’s already stopped me from having him overnight now for the last few weeks, I’ve had my MIAM and she has refused to go to hers.
My solicitor told me that legally, I do not have to tell her where my girlfriend lives and I’m not wanting to tell her either because of her history of turning up and driving past my house. My question would be, if I went to court, would they insist on me revealing the address and how long does the court process take before a CAO is produce which would make her allow overnight access.

Many thanks
If you're moving in with your girlfriend then your ex is basically asking where you will be living and where the child will be staying. While you don't have to tell her, it can sometimes just be easier to tell her. The court might think it reasonably that she wants to know where the child lives when with you - and it would be the same vice versa. I'd just send her a message saying my new address is xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx from xth September. And not mention your partner.