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Draft order


Experienced member
When do things agreed in court and ordered in court such as newly defined contact periods, call times etc come into being? Presumably not until the draft order is agreed by the Judge and therefore becomes a full court order that is issued.

Is it standard practice for things agreed verbally in a hearing to come into force without the order being issued?
They stand as from the date of the hearing, even before the order has been issued. However they can't be enforced until you have a sealed order.
So if a submitted draft order is breached , that's still a breach even if not been sealed yet?
Well yes but it can't be enforced. The only option would be to ask for an urgent directions hearing if it was breached before the sealed order was received and it would have to be a big breach or a few breaches for that to be acceptable.
They stand as from the date of the hearing, even before the order has been issued. However they can't be enforced until you have a sealed order.
Thanks Ash.

It can take a long time for a sealed order to be issued. After one hearing - Interim contact - I didn't receive a sealed order at all.