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Disclosure of communications


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Hey guys,
Ex seeks disclosure of all comms I have made with secondary school and GP via C2 application.

How does safeguarding and confidentiality affect this?
And am I entitled to seek the same?

I'm not familiar with this.

On what grounds can she make such a request?
She has requested a section 7.
I've been trying to get daughter mental health support via school & GP, which she has tried to block, claiming I'm 'over-medicalising' child.
Your ex is probably trying to prove to the courts that you have been criticising her, therefore control and bullying behaviour, by using your correspondance with the school. Or that the nature of your comms with the school is erratic.

My exes solicitors did the same and managed to get a redacted account of all comms between ex and myself with the school.
Your ex is probably trying to prove to the courts that you have been criticising her, therefore control and bullying behaviour, by using your correspondance with the school. Or that the nature of your comms with the school is erratic.

My exes solicitors did the same and managed to get a redacted account of all comms between ex and myself with the school.
Sounds pretty accurate.
Daughter is 12, requested my confidentiality on some comms. Does safeguarding affect this?
that depends on reason for not cc'ing ex to comms. if it due to genuine concerns about daughter mental health and you can explain it in court then justifiable.