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Directions Hearing


New member
Hi All

I had a first dispute resolution hearing back in Febuary. The next hearing is a remote Directions Hearing in July. What is a Directions Hearing please?
Would a Barrister be benefical for this (i havent seem my children for over 6 months now indirect or direct and have developed mental health issues now).

Directions Hearing: a hearing for the judge to review the case and consider whether there needs to be further information or action taken by the parties, Cafcass or anyone else

Be strong my brother
Hi Tom. Really sorry you're struggling. A directions hearing is what it says really. At the hearing a Judge or Magistrates will give "directions" as to what happens next. The FHDRA is also a directions hearing. The FH bit meaning first hearing. The DRA bit meaning Dispute Resolution Appointment. Because if no allegations, that hearing allows for agreement to take place between the parties (dispute resolution).

I'm not sure why you have another directions hearing coming up but assume that is a follow up to something that was ordered at the FHDRA. Was a Section 7 report ordered? If so, the directions hearing in July may be for the Section 7 to be reported to the court and the court decide where to go from there. Options could be:

1) An interim order made with time with your children and a final hearing listed.
2) A fact finding hearing (although I think that would have been ordered by now if there was going to be one).
3) Further tests or reports ordered.

What happened at your FHDRA? That might help us work out what will happen next and whether you might need a barrister for the hearing. My gut feeling is you might need someone, to try and get an interim order, but it depends a) what happened at FHDRA b) what Cafcass have said before and since then c) whether any tests were ordered (eg hair strand tests etc).

Hang in there. Are you getting any counselling? It is sometimes needed as support during court proceedings - it's stressful as well as the emotional hit of not seeing your kids. It can help.
Just read back a bit Tom. You need to do a drug/hair strand test didn't you? Did you get those results submitted? The Directions hearing could be seen as a kind of "review" of the situation in that case - if the tests come back ok you could ask for an interim order to see your kids. For that I would think a barrister would help. Do you have the results of tests yet? Or have they not been submitted to court yet?
Thanks @Ash , ive not been well but a bit better now and starting to think a little clearer. On meds.

At FHDRA as there were cross allegations we both had to submit statements. Done this.

Finally been able to sort out new solicitor. Still have to do drugs test which will only show cannabis useage. Will be getting this done asap.

Thanks Mate

Hang in there mate. I’ve also had the same thing happen after my FHDRA on Friday where a directions hearing was set in 2 months time. I’ve decided to get a barrister as she has one and I felt out of depth with the interrogations by her barrister the last time.
Thanks @Ash , ive not been well but a bit better now and starting to think a little clearer. On meds.

At FHDRA as there were cross allegations we both had to submit statements. Done this.

Finally been able to sort out new solicitor. Still have to do drugs test which will only show cannabis useage. Will be getting this done asap.

Thanks Mate
Can you stop the Cannabis? That would help.