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Directions hearing listed for judge


New member
Felt like I had a disaster in court today, had a hearing at magistrates for c79 enforcement of a child arrangement order.

Allegation of sexual abuse of daughter, my son (her half brother) accused of sexual touching. After social services and police concluded their investigations and safety plan put in place, mother still refused to allow contact.

At court today, given the seriousness of the allegations, they have made the directions hearing in front of a judge instead of magistrates. Is this something to be concerns about?

I had no legal representation in court and felt that it was just her story and barrister who led the trail with no chance to actually argue that the mother was in breach and that contact should resume etc etc.

Feeling like I've messed up massively with this.
Actually it's good it's in front of a District Judge now because they are more on the ball than magistrates. You need a good position statement before the DRA. Can you afford representation? I can help with a position statement.
No, I cannot afford it. I have contacted advocate who have tried to find representation for me but have been unsuccessful.
If you could help with that, it would be greatly appreciated