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D81 Form - Cohabitation


New member
Hey everyone,

I'm currently going through a divorce, I've had the conditional order granted and therefore the final order is on the horizon.

Arrangements have been made for the kids and I pay maintenance. Other than that my ex has agreed we can both walk away with a clean break.

As part of this we have to complete a D81 form. This seems to all be fairly self explanatory, but I'm unsure what to expect about the question that asks if I plan to remarry/cohabit etc. I've been with my new partner nearly 2 years, and we'd like to move in together, but we can't do that until the paperwork is done.

I'll obviously fill in the form honestly. But I've two worries, one when I tick that box saying I plan to cohabit in the future what follow up questions would that pose? Secondly my ex also has a new partner who she's been with for longer than I've been in my relationship. I know from text messages and from what the kids have said they'd also like to live together. But I suspect she might not be honest and state that she intends to cohabit.

Any advice would be appreciated 👍
Keep it simple and don't say you plan to cohabit. There's nothing wrong with saying that because plans can change.